
yep its one of those jobs, grrr, I've taken out the sunroofs, I've bought some cheq plate to go over the top, I'm then going to spray them the same colour as my disco. so what do i fix them down with? I have tiger adhesive in black also have dinitrol window adhesive but that needs a primer, whats the best? tiger?
I would say you must use a Mecanical fixing, some pop rivets at least but more likely a good few riv nuts.
It's you who is responsible when that lump of ally flies off and kills someone whilst doing 70 down the motorway.
I can head the adhesive company giggling when the claim comes in.
Mecanical fixing, some pop rivets

Why not just fix them properly instead of a botch?
I still stand by my previous reply to your thread !:p
Flash band would have saved you a lot of F//in about ! fb.JPG
At least you wouldn't have had to take all the roof lining out :eek: !
And as for the sun burning your head :rolleyes: Wear a bloody hat !:rolleyes::p:p

:) yep i know way to much work, but its a keeper so i want to do it right, I'm going to pop rivet the roof down as well, i hate sun roofs, a right pain in the arse, my bald spot burns with the rays coming through :D i cantt wear a hat because me heads sweats and i lose more hair :(
:) yep i know way to much work, but its a keeper so i want to do it right, I'm going to pop rivet the roof down as well, i hate sun roofs, a right pain in the arse, my bald spot burns with the rays coming through :D i cantt wear a hat because me heads sweats and i lose more hair :(


Or go for the Fred Gumby look?

Or fit some proper Land Rover optional sunroof blinds?

There you go then !!:rolleyes: Stick the glass back in ! flash band :eek: Then scrap the checker plate & get some money back job sorted:p:p
Tip of the day don't use a snotty ankey it may stick on your sun burn !!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::p:p:p:p:cool:

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