
New Member
I've been noticing a slight missfire on low revs while driving my 1996 HSE , I took it to a LR specialist who did the test on the coolant to discover that exhaust gasses were present as the blue liquid turned yellow.

I have been advised to change the spark plugs and use one of these liquid metal block sealers that they sell in America.

Anyone used these before or can recoment one. So far I have only seen Cargo seal-up.

I had my 4.6 V8 block treated twice while I owned a P38, with good results.

Different product used on each occasion and bought on eBay. Sorry - can't remember the names, but they were ceramic-based treatments.

Good luck!
I've been noticing a slight missfire on low revs while driving my 1996 HSE , I took it to a LR specialist who did the test on the coolant to discover that exhaust gasses were present as the blue liquid turned yellow.

I have been advised to change the spark plugs and use one of these liquid metal block sealers that they sell in America.

Anyone used these before or can recoment one. So far I have only seen Cargo seal-up.
hi the problem with yours may just be head gaskets in which case i personally would`nt entertain dr dodgeys miricle cure , do the job properly instead of treating a broken leg with a bandaid :D :D :D .
unless of course your getting shut in which case it makes sense .
I have'nt got the money to do the job properly at the moment so my thinking is just to see if this makes a diference and temporaily solves the problem.

Longterm I should imagine im looking at a complete rebiult short block if i want to keep the car. I really dont want to sell her, best car ive ever owned!
just out of interest, did you use the block sealer and did it work? I may have the same problem and I'm toying with buying one of these in the short term.

i had same trouble, spark plugs 4 & 6 rusty internaly, tried KALIMEX, was told it good stuff, it wasn't! well it didnt work!
new block and full rebuild with top hat liners did work!
I used kalimex for a short term fix for a slipped liner in my 4.6, it worked until i had the money for a rebuild with top hat liners etc. It wrecked the radiator though blocked it up so it was just as well that the engine was rebuilt at the time cos the rad was about to loose me down.
Hi, I got the sealer from the above link but i never used it as I got some new plugs and HT leads and that cured the misfire as 2 of my leads had arced up, I think the block may be slightley pourus as it shows up on and exhuast leak test but it seems to run ok now. The sealer i got looked good and came with decent instructions.

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