
New Member
Guys, this is an odd one and i was wondering if anyone has had the same.

My p38 (2002 - motronic) occasionally the 'lost security code' thing between the ecm and the becm. Previously i've phoned my local landy specialist and they've sorted it with their genuine rover computer laptop thingy. This time however, I decided to shell out on a 'black-box solutions' Becm sync-mate gadget so i could fix it myself.
It arrived today and when i plugged it in all the right lights happened and I thought i'd be good to go. But (as always) it wasn't that simple. The car was still immobilised.
I called my local specialist, as usual and they were good enough to come out and plug in their gizmo. The guys showed my the problem. Even though the sync-mate said it had worked fine, it had only updated 3 of the 4 security code digits. The code in the Becm was only 3 digits long.

Now I reckon that's just weird. Anyone heard of this before ?

I'm gonna aske BBS and the uk dealer i bought it off what they think.
Hiya Jbyarna
As rasheed states, i am indeed an active member on this board and so am often on here. If only that were the case for all equipment suppliers huh.

I also got your PM and have responded pretty much with a request for more info, as the more specific info have, the better i can help find and resolve any problem.

As you may appreciate, we have been supplying the Sync mate world wide for almost a year now and we have supplied several hundred of them without a single problem. In fact the most common response is that it does exactly what it says on the tin. So it really is pretty late and quite stunning for us to read that you may have found a problem and in fairness, although i am most open minded and will cover all bases and possibilities deeply, i am currently thinking the problem may well lie elsewhere. But non the less we will certainly treble check our code based on your info and circumstance.

After all we are only human.

One thing i did not ask for in my PM reply was what equipment the Indie you used was using.
Thanks to Colin at Blackbox solutions, my problem has been solved. He's provided a syncmate with a new release of the software and all is good.

My P38 is working again :D (I think the old girl was enjoying the rest)

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