
New Member
Hi all
When I eventually get my series Landy (whatevre it may be) I've got many ideas lined up for how i can personalise it. Apart from converting it to a camper cheapley by putting the the cab bed from a lorry in the back I want to make it look as old school and retro as possible
So, would a black and white chequered roof, bumbers and sun visors work ?
opinions please

(PS, it's probably gonna be a rat look landy)
says the guy with a pic of a fookin Jeep on a LAND ROVER forum!!!

well if you you want to **** up a decent series with a childish attempt at looking like a fookin mini or talk complete ****e like you have just done do you expect an answer you'll like ? cock:D
well if you you want to **** up a decent series with a childish attempt at looking like a fookin mini or talk complete ****e like you have just done do you expect an answer you'll like ? cock:D

the word 'decent' is gonna be questionable, and what was complete ****e? :D

and ta for backin us up buckshot ;)
the word 'decent' is gonna be questionable, and what was complete ****e? :D

and ta for backin us up buckshot ;)

complete ****e is what you have just typed........fookin chequer roof ffs

and yes well done buckgramps're my grumpy hero :D
complete ****e is what you have just typed........fookin chequer roof ffs

and yes well done buckgramps're my grumpy hero :D

eeeewwwww, looks like gramps has got all grumpy cos he's stuck in a mid - life crisis and a youth has just come up with a frankly brilliant idea that you must only be jeous of !!!! it's not ****e, it's gonna be my piece of old school ****e :)
depends what you got to smoke if its just the septics finest you can keep it :rolleyes:;)

No, its a danish £3 a pack theres no incentive to give up...put on weight, be grumpy etc....

Taste really nice pussy.
eeeewwwww, looks like gramps has got all grumpy cos he's stuck in a mid - life crisis and a youth has just come up with a frankly brilliant idea that you must only be jeous of !!!! it's not ****e, it's gonna be my piece of old school ****e :)

you dont know me so dont judge me bud, as to being jealous of someone with a series :rolleyes: would'nt have 1 as a gift in a christamas cracker :mad:
spent 12 years driving and maintaining a 2A in my youth (also did my own V8 convertion when there was nobody even thinking of it )
i've probably had landy's longer than you been on this planet

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