is it just me or is my drivers side front wheel leaning in a bit at the top?


passenger side
At first glance it looked to me like it was leening in at the top, but comparing it to the shock absorber it looks to be leening out at the top slightly......
defo looks like its in at the top ( or out at the bottom ) compaired to the N/S , whats your swivel pins and bearings like ???

Whats she look like straight on with both wheels in the frame and steering straight ahead ( at a little distance away ) , as your tracking could be towing out a bit and making it look like the tops in .
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defo looks like its in at the top ( or out at the bottom ) compaired to the N/S , whats your swivel pins and bearings like ???

only put the front axle on last week its of a rrc..both swivels have since started leaking..

i thought it might be a wheel bearing..but theres no noise or difference when driving
only put the front axle on last week its of a rrc..both swivels have since started leaking..

i thought it might be a wheel bearing..but theres no noise or difference when driving

Rich could the leaky swivels actually be down to the angle of the wheel, cos the swivvel seal should still be in contact with the 'ball' no matter what angle??

Did you replace the seals when you fitted the axle?
only put the front axle on last week its of a rrc..both swivels have since started leaking..

i thought it might be a wheel bearing..but theres no noise or difference when driving

Only way your gonna tell is to get her on stands and give the lot a damn good shake my friend
Uummmmm , tape messure out time me thinks Rich and see if your tracking straight as it could be your towing out making it look strange .
( Messure from half way up your swivel housings from hub to hub at the front , then do the same at the back and see what difference u got )

hub }______{ hub ( flip that Virtically and you get the idear )
. . . <------>

failing that get the tracking checked by lazer :)
cheers guys will get out there 2moro after work and see whats what

Nay worrys mate :) ,
If you do get the tape out the only true way to get a good reading is to drive it straight on a straight road like and IND estate stop , then messure without moving the steering . ( reason being is that your rate of turn differs as you turn - Ackermans steering princable applys .....
do it old school. spririt level for camber. just make sure they match and being on a slight slope won't matter 2 much!.

get two 1.8m lengths of timber and strap them to the tyres half way up with ratchet straps, then measure thedistance in 2 places. we used have them as far forward as possible and take both measurements from the front.

not as good a laser, but good enough for an off roader
ok..checked both tyre pressures were the same and put a level on each side..

this is the passenger side as near as vertical as u could get


and this is the drivers side...quite a bit out


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