Northern Irelander

Well-Known Member
Troops, I need a really big favour,

Will anyone be travelling from Birmingham To N. Ireland or the the South for that matter within the next few weeks, it would need to be by ferry.
I have a parcel (5-10kgs approx) that needs collected from a supplier in Birmingham.
I had already paid the supplier £30 for a courier, only thing is the parcel was rejected at airport security (Spit) due to liquids, it was only water inside as it was live fish from a specialist breeder. They weren't gonna touch it at security,

Any offers?
you would be handsomely rewarded for the delivery as it would save me a ferry crossing and additional cost.
The parcel would be a polybox, it wouldn't need any extra care, all bags would be sealed, so no leaks.

No not the eating type, ornamental fish, the stuff they keep in tanks (glass ones)

I could chuck in some smoked haddock, or salmon ;)

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