
New Member
Hi All

Is it safe to run commercially produced B100 biodiesel in my 300tdi as it says on most of the suppliers sites that it is safe for vehicles less than 13 years old mine is 14 years old.

It certainly is! Older diesels are a hell of a lot more tolerant than modern diesels, and you certainly wont have any trouble, if anything, it should prevent the usual glazing of your cylinders caused by standard diesel which is certainly a beneficial factor.

I would assume that the only reason they mention the 14 year old policy is because anyone with a vehicle of that age could technically blame the companies fuel should the engine pack in. More than likely however, is the fact that bio diesel tends to eat through rubber fuel hoses. You may want to replace your current fuel hoses to plastic / modern flexy tubing, however, there are plenty of people knocking about who don't do a single thing.

The one thing you will need to change is your fuel filter after 500 to 1000 miles (or when it starts to slow down!) because the chemicals in the fuel naturally clean your engine, and any crap from your fuel tank will be deposited in the filter.

Good luck!
Where did the story about bio diesel or veg oil cleaning your plumbing out come from.?? Bearing in mind that pump diesel has additives in it to do just that, why would chip oil do it even more so?? I've changed my filter twice since I've been using veg oil and there hasn't been any more or less ****e in it than normal. I reckon it's an old wives tale.
Propper bio diesel does cos of the chemicals that are used to thin it down and remove the glycerin. It lifts the cack from the fuel lines and deposits it in the fuel filter. SVO may not have as great an effect.
Still reckon it's an old wives tale. It's like somebody posted it on a forum or a website somewhere, someone else read it and posted it somewhere else, then someone else etc etc and before you know it it's a fact. It's like a lot of the crap that goes around internet forums. For example the hydrogen from a jam jar full of water bull**** that's been doing the rounds lately. If you read it on the internet it must be true.:D
I have run several vehicles on bio, still do , and in all of them i have to replace the fuel filters shortly after the bio use, due to all thge crap thats been removed from the system into the filter, after that its back to normal filter change intervals I am not a wife old or otherwise :D

re the vehicle age thing, its to do with seals and fuel pipes in vehicles after that age were changed to deal with the change in formulation of diesel low sulfur etc. prior to that they will be attacked by the bio HTSH
I read that someone ran their car on b100 and a starlings nest complete with babies was washed into the fuel filter. Alive. And clean.

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