
New Member
Seen these biodiesel processing kits for sale :eek: Is anyone actually doing it ? how effective /difficult is it ? :suspicious:
My pal made his own 100gallon plant . care is needed and there are some hazardous chemicals but all in with electric, chemicals etc I believe it costs about 15p a litre and runs fine in the winters we have had in the last few years.
If you go for it, be careful, read everything you can get and take great care when running the plant. One of the people I use for waste disposal started to 'brew his own' a few months back, ended up destroying the engine in his Mitsubishi L200, rebuilt it, then destroyed it again....

On the other hand, I 'know' a few folk via the internet who reckon they have been doing it for ages and not had a problem yet.

I'm not comfortable brewing my own fuel, so will stick to mixing veg oil and diesel once I get the filtration kit sorted out :)
If you do decide to home brew your fuel please don't buy an ebay bomb!
I've not yet seen a ready made plant that is any good or safe.
Some are just a spark short of a big messy bang.
If you can solder with a torch you can build a decent plant for £250 ish.

Bear in mind that some used oil smells and look's like vomit!!
Makes good bio though:D
If you don't mind tinkering and getting covered in ****e then go for it.:tea::tea:
If you do decide to home brew your fuel please don't buy an ebay bomb!
I've not yet seen a ready made plant that is any good or safe.
Some are just a spark short of a big messy bang.
If you can solder with a torch you can build a decent plant for £250 ish.

Bear in mind that some used oil smells and look's like vomit!!
Makes good bio though:D
If you don't mind tinkering and getting covered in ****e then go for it.:tea::tea:

FWIW, my waste disposal guy bought his off eBay!!

To give an idea of how it's easy to muck up if you don't do your research he's got a degree in chemistry, reckoned that would help him get it right :rolleyes:
FWIW, my waste disposal guy bought his off eBay!!

To give an idea of how it's easy to muck up if you don't do your research he's got a degree in chemistry, reckoned that would help him get it right :rolleyes:

Far too brainy to be a back yard tinkerer!!
Far too brainy to be a back yard tinkerer!!

It's not brains that got him into trouble, it was lack of the rarest substance on earth, common sense :)

I'm reading stuff most nights about filtering and brewing, so far I'm happy with the concept of filtering the stuff and using it as a mix with diesel and / or a little petrol, wen I've read a bit more about how the Td4 engine reacts to it I'll probably try harder to persuade the wife to let me have a tonne of old chip fat in the back yard!!

On the other hand, my disposal guy read about brewing in a trade mag, bought his kit, decided it was 'easy' after reading the two pages of instructions that came with it and then fed it to his L200 diesel....

I would have at least known how much a secndhand engine was before doing that :D
Hey im just starting! I use this website...Make your own biodiesel - page 2: Journey to Forever
Check it out!
My plan is ....
Get waste oil
Heat to 60 degrees to let the water drop out
Mix 20% methenol with roughly 5%-8% potassium hydroxide
Mix that with the 60 degrees de watered oil hold at that temp for an hour while mixing
Let settle, drain crap off bottom, wash product with water then let dry!
Simples.... That website really does have everything.
The problem with mixing wvo with diesel is it WILL eventually **** your engine... Might be in 10 thousand miles....make bio and its actually better for your engine than the stuff from the pum!
Hey im just starting! I use this website...Make your own biodiesel - page 2: Journey to Forever
Check it out!
My plan is ....
Get waste oil
Heat to 60 degrees to let the water drop out.......not a guarantee of dry oil
Mix 20% methenol with roughly 5%-8% potassium hydroxide......Titration?
Mix that with the 60 degrees de watered oil hold at that temp for an hour while mixing......AAF reaction takes about 15 mins with an eductor
Let settle, drain crap off bottom, wash product with water then let dry!
Simples.... That website really does have everything.....why water wash when you can de-meth and settle?......no water needed
The problem with mixing wvo with diesel is it WILL eventually **** your engine... Might be in 10 thousand miles....make bio and its actually better for your engine than the stuff from the pum!

WVO can cause ring gumming on some engine's...water injection help's but bio is better for most engine's....a must with common rail stuff.
Sorry to seem a bit pessamistic with your post but we see lots of noob's on our bio site who have used JTF and managed to stuff up their cars with poor fuel.
Lots more research before you put any bio in your tank......when you have it right and you use it for the first time it's a very good feeling:)
[WVO can cause ring gumming on some engine's...water injection help's but bio is better for most engine's....a must with common rail stuff.
Sorry to seem a bit pessamistic with your post but we see lots of noob's on our bio site who have used JTF and managed to stuff up their cars with poor fuel.
Lots more research before you put any bio in your tank......when you have it right and you use it for the first time it's a very good feeling]

On some engines??? It will cause gumming on all engines, why only some? Which engines do you know of that were fitted with anti gumming systems? I don't mind if you give out **** advice but iv been stripping and rebuilding engines for the last 10 years so stick your noob up your arse! I'm currently experimenting and have no intension of putting poor quality fuel in my car.......you fooling know it alls do my head in sometimes...
Pass the popcorn Fett........
This know it all has been making and using bio for about 7 years so i do know a bit about it.
The Merc W124 diesel engines love wvo and only gum up if you don't change the engine oil or use cheap **** oil.
Feel free to experiment with your bio...we all started somewhere and we all made mistakes....some of us like to help noobs but in this case i will make and exception.
Maybe that was a bit of an over reaction!!!! Hows about I say sorry, you give me some good advice and we all end friends?

I'm a Landcruiser 100 series owner, not a landy owner, but I wondered if there would be as much interest on here as there is on the LC forum...

I've been making bio for nearly 5 years, used it in a number of cars and experienced the consequences of making poor fuel (took the denso fly-by wire IP out in my Toyo).

As has been said earlier, you are best to stay away from most manufactured processors, which are expensive and difficult to produce good fuel from.

I bought a Goldenray and used it until recently... however it required modifications and I had to depart from the manufacturer's instructions somewhat!

The key thing after making biodiesel is final polishing and final drying... A great resource is the vegetableoildiesel forum. vegetableoildiesel.co.uk - Powered by XMB
I nearly bought an 80 series last year. I heard that on landys and the like veg oil is ok if you have a bosch pump but not if you have lucas

I am going to see which if either my trooper has or if its a jap made one lol
Cooking oil is generally too thick and will make the injection pump struggle and eventually fail.
So needs heating up before hand to make thinner or mix with petrol or suchlike before it gets to the pump.
WVO is obviously crap to start with so needs all the bits of chip and grot filtering out and then remove all the fat from the cooking and washing to make it lovely and clean again.

Remember compression ignition engines can't compress water or fat so it has to be removed.

So basically there are many ways, and as has been mentioned easy and hard ways to do it.

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