
New Member
Hello To all
I have just filled my tank with it's first crack at bio-diesel. A 50/50 mix with normal diesel.
I have noticed that my 300 tdi defender is much smokier than normal, quite smoky on idle & plumes of white smoke on start off, when engine is warm.
Is this normal? I dont know whether I need to make any adjustments or not, I know I have to replace the fuel lines fairly soon as something in the biodiesel causes it to rot.
Hope someone can help.:mad:
The white plumes on start is normal, the smoke when idleing could be the bio cleaning out the gunk and will stop (if its dirty black/grey smoke). Did you make it yourself? It could have too much water in it. It does white smoke a little until it heats up a bit, because it doesn't burn aswel as DERV, although it does have a higher cetane rating; essentialy more calories per pound of fuel, so your engine will go better. But if its always white smoking then I think its a water problem.

Change the filter after your next bio/DERV mix.

Regarding the fuel lines, I wouldn't bother. 1000's of miles on a 300tdi here, without ANY problem with the lines. The lines will be fine, its the older type of fuel rubber pipe that rots.
Hello Discomania

Thanks for your reply, worringly the engine temp gauge has started to get pretty hot, nearly going into the red the coming down a touch to three quarters say & the going back to near red.
This never happened once when running on normal diesel, is it just a coincedence or are these things linked? My oil warning light was flickering this morning on the way to work so I checked my oil level whilst on my lunch & it was fine, I'm worried that I'll mess up the engine with using this fuel. Hope you can advise.
My 90 runs a little hotter on it especially when on the motorway but its not a big deal, as long as it does NOT go into the red and stay you will be ok.

The oil light is probaly not related, get it checked.

More later... (have to go now)
The bio diesel I used was from the pumps.
After using for a few days with pretty awful results even after replacing the fuel filter I have reverted back to normal diesel.
I drained off the bio diesel mix, replaced the filter & filled my tank back up with standard diesel.
Can't say I was impressed with this stuff at all, especially the sluggish performance. It robbed my 300 tdi of the grunt that it had before.
There is still a serious amount of smoke coming from the exhaust, even worse when idling. I have had to top up my coolant twice in a week too but not sure whether this is related.
Be interested in any comments.
Fairly fed up:mad:
Sounds like head gasket to me, see if there are bubbles in your header tank on tickover.......if so your gasket has gone :eek:
Mantamad said:
Have a look at this link regarding bio diesel

It doesn't list Landrover as a suitable model.

Thats nothing to go by, considering that the engines in the diesel BMW's are essentaily the same engine as the TD5.

The list there is manufacturers warranties, in other words, those manufacturers are fine with bio going into them, they have bothered there arses to test out the components of the fuel system with bio to make sure everything is fine.

They roll about on the stuff in germany all the time, there is no tax on it, so they want cars that will run on it, so german cars in particular have been bio diesel ready for years.

Certain rubbers, which make hoses and seals were not bio diesel proof for a long time, in recent years these rubbers are no longer used. However, this is why some cars may need new fuel pipes.
I reckon pigpen meant the coolant header tank, if the head gasket has gone then you will lose compression into the coolant which may show up as bubbles in the header tank.

I wouldn't be overly concerned about using bio-diesel from the pumps as disco says. If it was proven to be damaging engines imagine the payouts the fuel manufacturers would have to make. I've been running my 90 on it for best part of a year without any problems.................................oops spoke to soon whats that funny noise.
mrback said:
When you say header tank do you mean where the coolant is topped up?
Sorry newb

As Grunt say's, yes i did mean where the water is topped up, also look for white slime inside the oil filler, i am sure if you have done a head gasket it would be a coincidence, and nothing to do with your fuel.
i have run my 200tdi on diesel, bio diesel, chip fat, and a mix of all three. i can honestly say it does not lose power on any of them and i find it runs well on the bio you buy from the pumps. when was the last time you changed your fuel filter before the bio, losing coolant is nothing to do with the bio, nor is the oil light, but the mixture of losing coolant, oil light flicker and lack of power all point towards a head gasket failiure, which i might add has absolutely nothing to do with the bio diesel. i seem to think there is an awful lot of half empty glass syndrome in this thread. its so easy to blame something new cos your car is in bad condition, and dont come back telling me it isnt cos it obviously is. there is no possible way that using bio diesel will make you lose coolant nor make your oil light flicker. that is along the same lines as saying i filled my radiator with bottled water and then had three punctures, so i'm going to drain my rad and refill it with tap water cos that bottled stuff is crap and causes punctures. please, please think before you type ;)
well to be honest when the site was closed for a few days, i ventured out into the real world and found it quite interesting so i have had little time fer the pc of late but i'm sure that will all change now the nights are drawing in eh ;)
The bio diesel I used was from the pumps.
After using for a few days with pretty awful results even after replacing the fuel filter I have reverted back to normal diesel.
I drained off the bio diesel mix, replaced the filter & filled my tank back up with standard diesel.
Can't say I was impressed with this stuff at all, especially the sluggish performance. It robbed my 300 tdi of the grunt that it had before.
There is still a serious amount of smoke coming from the exhaust, even worse when idling. I have had to top up my coolant twice in a week too but not sure whether this is related.
Be interested in any comments.
Fairly fed up:mad:

Sorry to be the bringer of bad tidings but .... the biodiesel isn't your problem.

If the TEMP is going up that can ONLY be due to cooling system failure, and the other symptoms suggest you need a new head gasket at best, or maybe the head itself has cracked. Oh Dear ..... just what you need to hear.

The white smoke is a mix of steam and unburnt diesel due to water entering the combustion chamber.

so will a 300tdi defender run on a 50% derv + 50% cooking oil without any trouble please help im temptid but dont want to knaker my landy thanks.

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