
New Member
just recently started running on a 50/50 mix of disel / bio disel. does any one know of any other advantages ?(other than cost) ie tax etc....:confused:
As I understood it, the white haired winker stood up yesterday and virtually killed off the differential in duty between bio and ordinary diesel. Been trying to make sense of what he proposed but such is the stealth element of this lying outfits budgets am not sure .
just recently started running on a 50/50 mix of disel / bio disel. does any one know of any other advantages ?(other than cost) ie tax etc....:confused:
Yeah, you can be right smug with the anti 4x4 greenies about how many mpg you're getting per gallon of non-renewable fossil fuels burnt.

Slightly more power (but this is offset by the advanced combustion i think)

If you make it yourself you don't have to pay tax on it.

Smells nicer when it burns!

Smug warm feeling that Golden Brown's not getting your spondoolies:D and if you believe what the propagandists say the planet's demise won't be your fault.

Can't think of any disadvantages!
its makes yer wanna stop off at every chippie yer can lay yer eyes on, make yer hungry all the time and although we love the fact we are on veggie and gloat about it the mrs..........(am not getting in that it stinks) but to be honest if she dont get in its one less rattle in your ear therefore making that a bonus!

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