Just be careful about the content and ask if it has a certificate. Check the water content on the certificate.
Also keep an eye on the rubber return pipes as the ethanol tends to eat them and cause fuel to leak.
I've been running mine on it for a while now and its been great. I'm paying 1.19 a litre though, that's in Glasgow. MPG seems to be a lot better on it, I ran 30 litres of bio and 5 litres of normal till the tank was empty which got me 185 miles. Worked out at 24 miles to the gallon which I reckon is not bad.

Shame its not as cheap up here.
just get a costco card??

buy a 20 litre of cooking oil and throw it in your tank with regular diesel?

20 litres at £17 = £0.85 a litre

add 20 litres of dino diesel at £1.41 = £28.20




40 litres of dino at £56.40???

and that's running 50/50 in summer (I know we don't get much of one) you can run on up to 80% oil 15% Diesel and 5% petrol

Now - I am not saying for one second that this is a perfect formula and will work for every Landy out there! but use this as a guide and increase the amounts you use and monitor the results and you will find what works best for you.
just get a costco card??

buy a 20 litre of cooking oil and throw it in your tank with regular diesel?

20 litres at £17 = £0.85 a litre

add 20 litres of dino diesel at £1.41 = £28.20




40 litres of dino at £56.40???

and that's running 50/50 in summer (I know we don't get much of one) you can run on up to 80% oil 15% Diesel and 5% petrol

Now - I am not saying for one second that this is a perfect formula and will work for every Landy out there! but use this as a guide and increase the amounts you use and monitor the results and you will find what works best for you.

I use this system and it works a treat.
i run all my diesels on veg oil too. Its great... even if it does make you hungry and stink o chips.

im half way through building a reactor so i can make my own proper bio diesel with the veg oil from the chippy down the road who has offered it me for free if i go halves on the diesel with him. Bargain!
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i run all my diesels on veg oil too. Its great... even if it does make you hungry and stink o chips.

im half way through building a reactor so i can make my own proper bio diesel with the veg oil from the chippy down the road who has offered it me for free if i go halves on the diesel with him. Bargain!

You do know there's all kinds of ridiculous hoops you have to jump through if you wanna make your own? The government will still want tax paying on it, look it up. Unfortunately its not as simple otherwise a lot more places would do it.
no there isnt. You are allowed to make a whole load of the stuff before you have to start paying tax... and who is going to admit to making that much. Fair enough if you are an actual business. But a small home built reactor that makes 100 litres at a time is nothing to write home about. If i was flogging the stuff then yeah....

here is a quote from the hm revenue and customs website

"Can I make biodiesel and what is the Excise Duty on this?
If you produce 2,500 litres or more biofuels a year, or use 2,500 litres or more of biofuels as motor fuel on which duty has not been paid you must notify HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) of your intention to produce biodiesel. For details please contact the Excise and Customs Helpline on Tel 0845 010 9000 (+44 2920 501 261 outside UK).

It is the responsibility of producers to show HMRC that their product meets all aspects of the legal definition and sufficient tests must be carried out to prove that the specification is met. If a product does not meet all aspects of the definition it is a fuel substitute and will attract a higher rate of duty.

Biodiesel that can be shown to meet the full definition will attract the same duty rate as ordinary diesel."

2500 is alot of diesel!

ok i use more than that privately every year, but whos to say how much i will make?

We also ditched our tv license this year because we didnt watch enough telly to justify it. So we got an internet tv, and watch things off the i player etc. All for free and completely legally :)

There are ALOT of ways of saving money out there!
You do know there's all kinds of ridiculous hoops you have to jump through if you wanna make your own? The government will still want tax paying on it, look it up. Unfortunately its not as simple otherwise a lot more places would do it.

You must have done a lotof research to come up with that crap...

The reality is that you can produce up to 2,500 litres per year for personal use without paying duty. A simple form keeps you legal and above board.

Details can be found here:

HM Revenue & Customs

As for not being simple...it's as simple as heating up some filtered waste oil in a drum, running a quick titration test, and adding the correct amount of methanol and caustic soda, settling out the glycerol, then washing the fuel to purify it ready for use. A batch can be made in a few hours using equipment bought for under £100, or alternatively ready made systems can be purchased for anything from a few hundred upwards.

I got into it when I had a taxi firm...ran everything from 1.9 sdi skoda octavia's through to new Mercedes Vito's on it, without ever having any running issues other than the occasional blocked fuel filter. By the time I gave it up, I was producing 4,000 litres a month (duty paid).
Buy yourself a fuel filter and have the tools you need to change it at the roadside.
The bio itself won't block the filter but it is a very good cleaner and will happilly remove all the years of crap from your tank and fuel lines and dump it in your filter.
Apart from that enjoy the saving.:clap2:

BTW please don't buy any of the ebay bombs that people laughingly call reactor's.

Feel better for that:rolleyes:

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