stu PID

New Member
I thought I had read on here somewhere the show is not on this year. (cant find thread). Does anyone know? Is anyone going? and is it on 21/22 july?
^^^ it is definitely on (just rumours) but other shows were cancelled because the fields were flooded Look 1/2 way down the page
Rallies & events at Billing Aquadrome

this is a better link
LRM Show

Im not going though, tbh i don't do shows, i got to Old sod, i think its great there (i like to barter lol) and the SII Club International 4 nights and 2 off roading courses and a beer tent (we bought out own barrels last time, and a good crack all for £55 its a bargain, lots to do and see and its at Kelmarsh this year
Hi just put new thread up about the price, didn`t see this thread. Yep definatley on I questioned price with Biling and said £10 for kids is not good, after a few exchanges they told me the organisers have said kids under 14 are free. but no advertisement tells you that, I suggested they put something on both web sites as it would increase intrest,

Do ya not think?
Just got back ( sat ). A sea of mud- Glastonbury with land rovers. Impossible to vist half the stalls unless you have wellies and the stuff you want to look at is caked in mud. Sorry but £10 is just too much for what is on offer and this will be my last trip to Billing. One set of toilets, , one hour queue for something to eat. Me and a mate travelled from Liverpool so not a cheap day out.
If it's owt like Driffield show then I know what you mean. I got in free and still felt ripped off.
Got back from Billing at 8pm, ankle deep mud everywhere. The rain hit very hard yesterday, they thought they might have to open the flood gates and flood the camping field as Northampton was under threat. Off road course was very wet and the deep water sections through the lake, were well, kind of deep. Only just passable without a snorkle. The food area had the worst mud, over akle deep mud slurry. Queues at lunch time were pretty long, but found another Burger van elsewhere with no queue. There are more than 1 toilet blocks, no queues. My first time at Billing for a Landy show, only ever been there before for hot rods. Had a good time despite the weather, mud didn't bother me either, they couldn't do anything about that.
Rubbish. They can lay boards, straw and wood chippings. They have been having shows of one sort or another on that site for 20 years yet it still retains the few miserable concrete walkways it started with. Judging by the blokes I saw ****ing in to the hedges by the stream, seems like I wasn't the only one who didn't find more than one block.
i went on friday and it was soaked everwhere they could have put something down like chippings, FFS the caravan club coped at the centenery rally when everywhere was muddy!

im still trying to work out why they put down cardboard in the loo block....just more of a wet mess for them to clean up. (it had gone when i returned later in the day.

i enjoyed the show but wasnt able o get my camera out as much as i wished...hopefully next year i will be there with my own :D
Rubbish. They can lay boards, straw and wood chippings. They have been having shows of one sort or another on that site for 20 years yet it still retains the few miserable concrete walkways it started with. Judging by the blokes I saw ****ing in to the hedges by the stream, seems like I wasn't the only one who didn't find more than one block.
When was the last time there was 4" of rain in an afternoon. I was in London on Friday and you needed a Boat.
Things of course could be better with the facilities, but a few boards, straw and wood chips wouldn't have fixed things.
Knowing they were offering a sub standard show due to the conditions at the site,they should have reduced the entrance fee to reflect that. But hey, this is Britain so i'r Rip off and run. Not an official from the magazine running the event to be found on saturday.
It didn't start raining heavily till Friday afternoon. Some mates were there from Thursday morning. The site was fine on Thursday. Are you saying that the organisers should find everyone that had paid and was already there and give them some money back, because freak weather had turned the place into a mudbath or do you suggest charging just the people on day tickets on Sat/ Sun less?
Maybe Kelmarsh would have faired differently, but we'll never know.
well from the tune of things im glad i didnt travel up today. was thinking about it from Bristol but sacked it off cos i wasnt sure on the weather. with the girlfriend on crutches too it would have been a nightmare. shame the weather has ruined everyones summer.
shouldda held it in Corwall - been fine and dry since last Wednesday.
Just come back from a local Steam Rally - no mud and a great day was had by all.
You'll wish you ant said that by tommorrer night if the forecasters have got it right.
whats the matter with everyone ,its a landrover show and we are landrover enthusiasts, what harm is a drop of mud .first time for me drove 250 miles down to show and loved it ,tell me if you were out laning or trialin would mud bother you then.
Mud and off raoding are one thing a. Wading through it whilst trying to examine items laying in it is another. The whole image this event gave off was one of ' look what damage 4X4's can do " even though it was feet that made the place a mess.
I have been to previous Billing Land Rover shows which were , in my opinion, value for money. This years wasn't. Its no good using the weather as an excuse. This is Britain and organisers should have had some contingencies in place in case of extremes of weather be it flood or drought. Instead, they just took the money and bolted.

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