
New Member
:mad: :mad:
Feel like a rant so I shall..

Got a Gaylander 1.8SEi and have never had a car for so little time (2 years) and yet spent so much time in the garage...

Car failed me again today - in the garage about 50k from where I live (for the 3rd time this year, not including the £1800 visit last year to fix the HG) so am currently driving a G reg cavalier which is like heaven compared to that cheesey pile of shyte..

If anyone who hasn't yet been suckered into buying one of this and beware...go and get something else...anything...a bike perhaps...

:mad: :mad:
I'll never understand how LR got away for so long selling 1.8's, when they are so inherrently ****e that their mileage before dying is such a lottery..thank heavens for diseasels and there but for the grace of god etc.....:(
Originally Posted by sparkyjohn5
All I Can Say Is , If You Paid £1800 To Have Hg Done They Saw You Coming Mate.

well that should have been €1800 being in France - hands a bit tied in the country to shop around.

quote: "eightinavee - :eek: Ang on - I only paid £500 for my F/L ! (with a blown HG)"

That supposed to make me feel better!! It's a RANT thread...I am ranting! RANTING I tells yer.....

cashybai - quiet agree, it is astonishing at how they can get away with it...I sense a conspiracy...

The turkey is still in the garage - went today and he is ordering 'some bits' cos it is misfiring all over the place....still lovely drive this Vauxhall Cavalier :eek:

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