
Well-Known Member
I had my TD5 remapped by Mike and Dynachip last year and what a difference! I am now considering going a little further with it which I understand involves a bigger intercooler and maybe a boost box. The usual line up of land rover firms seem to be after £500 for an intercooler whereas I have seen some on ebay for considerably less such as this


Has anyone any experience of this sort of intercooler? I cant afford £500 so its either this or don't bother! Plus can anyone give me some idea of the difference in feel between a stage one remap and taking it further? In a nutshell is it worth the money?
I cant justify £480 for my hobby car when it goes fine as it is. I admit the ebay one does seem cheap which is why I was wondering if anyone had experience of them. The quality might be rubbish for all I know. Did you find it made a great deal of difference? I remember uprating the intercooler on my 300tdi and wished I had not bothered.
I cant justify £480 for my hobby car when it goes fine as it is. I admit the ebay one does seem cheap which is why I was wondering if anyone had experience of them. The quality might be rubbish for all I know. Did you find it made a great deal of difference? I remember uprating the intercooler on my 300tdi and wished I had not bothered.

to be truthful, NO! you can hear it a little but nothing out of the ordinary, but i don't use it everyday, sometimes it might get used twice in a month, or maybe 3! long runs thou as i use it for biking with a rack on the towbar, will sit happily at 80mph on the motorway with plenty left, it is good on fuel too! but i dont have one for economics,

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