
Active Member
Right, I've finished all my hospital sessions for good now (three weeks in isolation) and as work don't want to provide me with anything for the moment I'm ready to get stuck back into my SIII.

As it stands at the moment she's awaiting a transfer to the new chassis that's been sitting next to her since Christmas. All bodywork is off.

Now the question is, there was a slight problem with the engine smoking before hand (as well as others such as no brakes :rolleyes:), now should I fix this before or after the swap?

Fuel tank has been disconnected to access certain parts to doing it before would mean priming the fuel system etc.

The advantage I see is that at the moment every critical thing (apart from fuel tank & battery) are still connected up so diagnosing the problem should be easier.

The advantage I see of doing it after is that I will only have to potentially diagnose and fix the problem once if I forget (as is always the case) to put a particular screw / nut / bolt in the correct place.

So any suggestions on the order in which you think I should approach things?
fit everything before the re-build except the doors wings and exterior items this means that everythink can be got to make sure that you get everything painted well before you put bback together ie chassis and bulkhead and make a list and take pictures of what ou are taking off where from and label the item unless it is going straight from one to the other i would suggest that it would be bulkhead, axles, brakes, fuel tank, engine,gearbox, exhaust, shafts, check all
all good
cab on wings doors rear wings interior items check all working and then do the bits that are left over but a haynes restoration manual will tell u
good luck any help needed just post the fookers on ere
Thanks for the advice, those were my thoughts. Don't need to paint the chassis because that's galvanised but was going to phone a friend about painting the bodywork, he's got all the proper kit.

Meanwhile I shall work on fixing the engine, I'm going to forget the brakes for the moment because they need replacing all together.

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