
New Member
Hi all

Not very good with this sort of thing so thought Id see if any experts on here can help
1998 110 defender. just bought, been used in pit commercialy

When accelerating hard after changing gear or when just cruising along I get a big jerk took it to local garage. good man and does a few landies as this is a pretty rural area. I am told that the half shaft is loose onto the hub flange and the diff flange has a lot of play, he feels replacing these will be essential as may shear and should take out the jerk I get

part nos are
half shaft 116-47
hub flange 82-59
diff flange 69-75
diff seal

also need a new heater matrix and drive tension pulley

does above sound correct and likely to be a solution. If so any body got these parts a bit cheaper, to buy and install above is approx 450 pounds

Thanks for your help

i'd be supprized if the half shafts needs replacing, it's usually the drive flange that goes as they are a slightly softer material - i've got a big stash of them if you want to DIY

hub seals are a quid each ish - a good used matrix would set you back about 30 quid - add a few paper gaskets for the drive flanges at 10p each

dont know what the drive pulley he is on about but it'll be less than a tenner

none of the work is at all complex
i just have a pile of the drive flanges going cheap (yes spam spam spam) - craddocks or lrseries etc will be able to supply the remaining bits for not very much money

i'd hate to see you spend 450 quid for what is such a simple job
I dont supose there is anybody within striking distance from the New Forrest that I could bring it around to get an opinion, as I am not sure as mentioned in the above answer I need to be replacing this much,

Bit cheeky but I paid as much as I could for vehicle, and I know you only get what you pay for(3000) but I really dont want to cough up more if it is not required.
sorry for being so cheeky but I have found some good people that have been more than helpfull on this sight.. so who knows:bump2:

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