
New Member
Not a great fortnight:
Driving south from Aviemore on the way to the lakes I got as far as Edinburgh and the rear silencer and back section of pipe parted company, burnt my hands wrestling the half ton of red hot steel from around the prop shaft. Set off again somewhat noisier but no real harm done !? How wrong I was.
At Gretna Green there was a loud hiss and the rear of the car sat down on the drivers side, the EAS went mental trying to level itself but gave in and sat the tail end down on it's bumpstops. Bugger.
We turned round at this point and headed home to Edinburgh, thank **** the things are built like tanks, the guys in the back seat got a bumpy ride but up front it was ok.
Right I think must be an air bag, so new Arnotts are ordered for the rear from p38spares ( great service ) This afternoon I fitted them, not too big a job, the hardest part was getting the airline pushed in, I must have fat fingers...
I gave the airbag on the passenger side a good squeeze to see if it held pressure and alls good, but not so on the drivers side, somewhere above the cross member where the pipes run there is a leak, I can't see it but when I pulled the hose off the bag and gave it a blow there's no pressure and I can hear the air escaping, then it dawned on me!
The heat from the exhaust gas coming out of the middle silencer must have melted the pipes and caused a rupture in one or both of them, so guess what I'll be doing next weekend. New 6mm lines and some push fit connectors.
So the moral is if your exhaust falls off don't drive another 120 miles thinking it will be ok, it probably won't. Oh and the heat also melted the wiring for the abs sensors!!!
Anyone in Midlothian got an EAS reset tool handy?
I do believe there is a jionting kit available. Mine did exactly the same with S/Steel exhaust! the flange looked to be only mild steel hence it broke and melted the pipes. Garage fitted plastic jiont and sent the exhaust away to be repaired, now its all ok. Bazz.

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