Mine went very low the other week, i.e. wouldn't start, after a cold spell and not being used much. I've owned the car 10 years and only ever put one batt on it, fairly early on, a Yuasa.
Charged it up off the car and had no problems ever since including in the cold weather and again not being used much.
(TBH I wouldn't call 20 miles a long run.)
I know it is a pain disconnecting everything but using an ammeter will tell you what the parasitic drain is, if indeed there is anything to worry about. And some crafty work with a jump lead will allow you to do this without actually breaking the circuit.
Unless you have fitted something new that drains current, provided you have no new shorts to earth, why would this suddenly be a problem?
Or you can bite the bullet and take it to a shop where decent people work, i.e. not those who'll tell you it is shot wqhen it isn't purely to sell you a new one, and get them to do a proper test on it.
I know how you feel and can be worrying about it. I drove us up to the Dales, around them and then back home with jump leads in the car due to this little problem. But even in snow it started with no need for glow plugs. Pretty sure no one needs them unless it really is flipping cold!