
Well-Known Member
hey folks.
I'm trying to avoid hanging my spare wheel on my rear door, cant easily fix up a spare wheel swing out carrier as i don't have a standard rear cross member to bolt the lower arm too, and so i'm now thinking that i should look to putting it on the roof rack. BUT what's a good and secure way to do this?

My rack doesn't have any fat plate on it currently. Just the normal square framed cross section.

my rear. Crossmember none existant and a tubular bumper meaning awkward for bolting too (angles etc)

I'm going to be goin down this route soon, by using one of those threaded bars with a hook on one end used to secure ladders on roof racks they come with a flat bar on the top with holes to put a lock through, my mate has had his secured like this for 9 years and swears by it.
I'm not sure i know what you mean mate. Do you have a link available to an example so i can take a ganders.
It'll be a right ball ache getting it all the way up there and down again when you need it!
What about fixing it behind the drivers seat or on the bonnet series style?
I seem to spend a lo of time with the bonnet up so not keen on lifting the weight all the time.
In the back would interfere too much with the dogs and hawks i carry. Lack of room.
I was thinking i would lower it down from roof with a towing or tree strop
I seem to spend a lo of time with the bonnet up so not keen on lifting the weight all the time.
In the back would interfere too much with the dogs and hawks i carry. Lack of room.
I was thinking i would lower it down from roof with a towing or tree strop

Can't say I have any problem, slide it over the front of the rack, lift down onto bonnet....hop down and roll it down over the front
I've done this with a series. I bolted the wheel to a thick ply panel, which was bolted to the roofrack. As mentioned before, it's a pain in the arse to get on and off. It will probably dent the body work coming on and off the front (if you care about that sort of thing). If you throw it off the roof, it will bounce/run quite a bit if you're not careful - don't do it near anyone else's car!
Lastly, In my experience (Stage One V8 with standard springs) it will make your landy roll more on bends.
I also had the bonnet mounting on my other series. This worked fine - just make sure the bonnet stay is in good condition. I also think it looks good, and I suspect it added a little sound damping to the bonnet.
My old mans old series 109 safari had a land rover spare wheel mounting on the roof above the driver.
I was gunna do the same coz i thought it looked as cool as,but the safari roof is double skinned with a flat surface were as the ridges on mine didnt support the wheel
90s have a flat roof but it depends if you want to dill and plate it
and no good for a full roof rack

forget wot i just said


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I reckon it'd be easy enough to mod a swingaway to fit and with a lug welded to you bumper.
Really like that bumper by the way:) ,can't see clearly from the pics but does it replace the rear cross member completely and is welded to the chassis ?
Very nice rear bumper. I'd just modify a swing-a-away to mount to the bumper you have. Shouldn't be too difficult.

I think they look much better on the back anyway really. Only think they suit being on the roof when they are 110s or 6x6 130s or 170s and kitted out with lots of overland gear plus getting it up there will be a pain and getting it off without it bouncing across the road or denting the landy
Thanks for the comments guys.
If i can find a cheep enough swing away to butcher and see if it can be modded to bumper.. i'll have a go at that. Don't want to ruin a new one though.
The bumper is a direct replacement too the rear cross member. Welded in place to chassis in exactly the same way and bolted to the panels. It's ok, but nothing standard, such as swing away or even adjustable tow hitch, will fit.
I could do with being able to weld. Might have to learn. I think i have a welder in the garage somewhere.
Thinking to the roof rack situation. I am considering welding some stiff mesh and chequer plate to the base so i can secure things off well and even sit up there to shoot off. That would also give me a purchase point for a wheel mount.
I have a sheet of marine ply that I cut to size to fit on my rack that I clamp onto it. I have holes on it then for clamping down camping chairs and it's brilliant for a gang of us to sit up on when at drift competitions and stuff. Being a pickup I've no ladder either so stops every tom dick and harry trying to climb up of course :D
Have you thought about mounting it on the side, like the army wolf landrover. I'm sure I've seen them in adverts in various magazines. Easy on and off.

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