
Even the guy who flogged me my Series 3 petrol/lpg wasn't aware the engine wasn't a 2286 bog standard - turns out it's likely to be a 2.5 defender one.
But the carb hasn't been changed - apparently it should have the twin choke weber...? It recently had a few problems that may just be down to the plugs, timing, HT leads or distributor, but it's a sod to warm up. The choke needs my foot on the dash and two hands to yank on, and is equally hard to push off (lubricate it, yes, I know) but it actually starts better if you just blip the throttle.
Any ideas or advice welcomed. On cold days it's awkward blipping the throttle for a few minutes when you need to de-ice the windows - and my octopus impression ain't what it used to be!
First of all check it is what you think it is. The engine woulod be a 17H 2.5 petrol. check the engine number, which is located on the right hand side (facing front of car) of the engine block just about where the rear blanking plate is located.

If it is a 17H, the standard carb is a twin choke Weber 32/34 DMTL. There's plenty about either new or second hand. Check out Flea Bay. You'll probably need to look at the routing of the choke cable to make it move a little easier, and a little oil in the cable would help.
Thanks Lodger,
Got a new choke cable due to arrive any moment in fact. It had been oiled a few weeks back, but decided a new one wouldn't hurt since it didn't fix the problem totally. Also had new points fitted so at least it runs ok now.
I have got the engine no. but is there anywhere online I can check it to find out what engine this is? It has the standard zenith carb for the S3 - that'd be a bugger as the choke cable was half the price for the weber carb! Er, new choke cable anyone?!!!
Still, if it runs ok, then for now I'll cope.
Thanks for your help.
Have a look at the routing of the cable as well, if already oiled, try to reduce bends, etc.
If you have the engine number, look up Glencoyne on the interweb. He's very helpful and has a listing of all engines including the 17H. Should give you some background. Your engine is originally from a 90, so for spares quote that also.
Cheers Lodger!
That confirms it. It IS a 90 engine. Checked out fine on that website, so at least the V5 is correct... hmmm, only the insurers to let know now! I thought she was a bit better than other S3s I've had. Ran her on LPG for the 1st time today & she runs so smoothly and quietly! Not used to that in a Series.
Anyway, at least I know what I need when ordering parts, so thanks a lot.
Haha! Same thing happened to me: seller promised me it is a 2.25 then after the wrong parts were installed during reconditioning the engine and a 2000 pound bill (more than the cost of the whole Land Rover) we discover it is a 2.5l. But the engine runs great - now about a 2.7l with high compression head. Carb is standard Zenith with 38mm jet. Electronic ignition.

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