
New Member
After a few months of having to keep my 4.6 plugged into a charger overnight to ensure enough oooomph for starting in the morning, I have taken the (long overdue) plunge and bought a battery big enough and powerful enough to fire up a steam train.

Rave tells me to turn the igntion to position 1 and disconnect the old battery within 17 seconds and simply replace with the new battery. By using this method all I will apparently need is the code for the CD player.

Elsewhere I read of the 'piggy back' method using either jump leads to the new battery from the cables (then remove old battery) or alternatively connect a 12v battery charger and remove/replace. This method requires the ingnition key in lock, door left open.

My new battery arrives in the next few days so advice on the best, tried and tested method - with the minimum fuss/issues that doesn't involve a main dealer, garlic, incense, prayers or for the wind to be blowing in a perticular direction for it to succeeed - would be appreciated.

I hope I'm not being thick, but you reach a point with these cars where any repair or maintenance, however simple it may appear in principal, does meet with a certain level of paranoia.

Before you go any further, have you got your EKA code and have you checked that it works?
I have the EKA code, it worked some months ago, I also have my parish priest coming over, some guy from the masons, a medic, a lawyer and someone to take on my chickens just in case the worst happens.

My wife is taking the day off work just in case, we've charged the battery in her car and filled it with fuel (see what I mean by paranoia - all I want to do is change over the effin battery - I've got a couple of old Rollers as wedding cars and there isn't anything, anything on those cars anywhere nearly as complicated).
Certainly have your EKA code to hand. On my diesels I've had the batteries off and on a few times with no trouble, I didn't even bother with the 17 seconds.
connect a jump start pack across the battery terminals before yu disconnect battery - that will keep all the stuff alive :D.

oh - and X fingers.
I used the 17 second thing last time I had to disconnect. Still had to reset all the windows and the sunroof, lost leccy seat memories, and had to put the radio code in.
For mild paranoia follow the RAVE instructions with the extra of holding the earth connector onto the post until you've loosened it then remove it cleanly. The same when you come to re-fit it, just to make sure that you don't get sparks that might upset the electronics.

For serious paranoia connect a third battery to the car using the starter connection and a good earth point. Then when you take the old battery off and fit the new one the car won't even notice.

For 'just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you' place the vehicle inside a Farraday cage . . . . . . . .
Certainly have your EKA code to hand. On my diesels I've had the batteries off and on a few times with no trouble, I didn't even bother with the 17 seconds.

Same here, I've always had all the codes to hand to be on the safe side, but never needed them.
You forgot about the Druid and voodoo practitioner you could need too. And a sacrificial lamb whose blood you may need to offer to the range rover god. And wood. You definitely need to be touching wood. Maybe the druid's, after all it's a part of some pagan cult ceremonies.
To be absolutely safe you could sacrifice the wife across the bonnet to the great God P38.
To be absolutely safe you could sacrifice the wife across the bonnet to the great God P38.

Can't risk that I'm afraid. That would leave absolutely no one to cross their fingers and have a finger spare for 999 on speed dial.
just swap it it will be ok,ive never had any problems changing a battery on a p38

Don't listen to him!!!
That way lies a life of hell and damnation, depriving a P38 of all it's volts will bring the wrath of the great god Lucas down upon you.
Not only will the car never run again your testicles will shrivel and drop off, your wife will never leave you and your lottery numbers will never come up.

Don't listen to him!!!
That way lies a life of hell and damnation, depriving a P38 of all it's volts will bring the wrath of the great god Lucas down upon you.
Not only will the car never run again your testicles will shrivel and drop off, your wife will never leave you and your lottery numbers will never come up.


lol go on swap it :D
After reading this thread I asked the dealer who I am buying my rangie from about the EKA code and if there is a code for the CD player etc.,
He told me they likely don't matter for a 2001 model.
Before I take delivery I'm going to ask him to disconnect and clean the battery posts and collars... I did notice they were furred over anyway. This may be interesting.
After reading this thread I asked the dealer who I am buying my rangie from about the EKA code and if there is a code for the CD player etc.,
He told me they likely don't matter for a 2001 model.
Before I take delivery I'm going to ask him to disconnect and clean the battery posts and collars... I did notice they were furred over anyway. This may be interesting.
for him to pour hot water over them and not disconnect.

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