
Its time for an oil change and flush the old water etc out, whats the best anti freeze for the diso 300 tdi. The red stuff or the blue? I was told you cant add water the red, old school refill w 70/30 with the blue, is this mix still ok?
Its time for an oil change and flush the old water etc out, whats the best anti freeze for the diso 300 tdi. The red stuff or the blue? I was told you cant add water the red, old school refill w 70/30 with the blue, is this mix still ok?

Don't care what colour it is, it's the chemical composition that counts. The correct mix not only protects down to the listed temperature, but it has also been found to transfer the heat more efficiently that just water.
This is the LR recommendation as found in the Owner's Handbook:-
Engine cooling system (petrol & diesel models)
Ethylene glycol based anti- freeze (containing no methanol) with non- phosphate corrosion inhibitors suitable for use in aluminium engines. Use one part anti- freeze to one part water for protection down to -33 ° F (- 36 ° C).
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OAT ( organic acid technology) which is usually red, but can be any colour there's no standard.
50/50 is the correct mix for the 300 series. But before u use it u must remove all the remaining old antifreeze mix, I've been using OAT for the last 15+ years but before using the stuff I flushed the cooling system four times, that's drain, fill with water, run the engine and drain...refill run the engine etc. The existing was Land Rovers green/yellow antifreeze replaced every 3 years.

Replacing the OAT antifreeze every 5 years sold the stuff to me.

I also own a 40 year car the antifreeze for that is the old school stuff which is blue and is replaced every 2 years.
New cars the factory antifreeze fitted doesn't get replaced until the vehicle is 8 or10 years old, I believe that the same with LandRover.
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