steph awbery

New Member
Hi All,
Hope you dont mind me putting this here, I am running the show and would like to ask, if any clubs/traders or anyone wishing to do auto jumble stands like to come along, all in aid of charity and the first event in berkshire. There is also a suprise appearence, but this will not be on the web site till next month, so keep an eye on the website. so have a read, see what you think any questions let me know. bye the way i am doing all this off my own back, i have stared it and i am now going to see it through, no matter what it will be a challenge.
Thank you for your time.

The Berkshire 4X4 Motor Show.

I am sorry if i have afended you, it was not ment to, i did not know who to contact on this forum, as i am a new user here.
If you would like to take my post off then please do, i will not object.

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