
It was hot, like walking around in a sauna.
Not a lot to see, 5 or 6 chassis companies.
The Maer stainless bulkhead @ £1500 seemed pretty good.
There were a few of the resellers, Paddocks and Foundry 4X4, reasonable jumble sale stuff, a few hat and some other tat stalls.
Did I mention it was hot ?
The Bowler stand was interesting, I just didn't have a spare £100k to play with.

Griffin Performance exhausts looked good.
3" 304 stainless with a middle box.

Lots of noticable 'not at the show' ... JLR for example, winch guys, instrument guys, MUD, Exmoor trim, Alisport, turbo-technics, turbo rebuilds.

Dissapointing, great venue, hopefully Live Promotions Events Ltd will do better next year.

All the feedback I've read on another LR forum is it was pretty disappointing. Good for a social though. I heard the Saturday night show was difficult to see if you couldn't get to the front.
We found it pretty poor all round .... one reason being that this event really needs a proper showground, a la Peterborough, with decent flat surfaces to get about on, for those of us with mobility issues, wheelchairs, scooters and such like. I saw at least three blokes fall flat after tripping over long grass or stepping into a divot.
The trader's stands were way too far apart, making the place not only tiresome to get around, but lacking in atmosphere
The show staff weren't that great, usually to be seen blethering to each other, rather than making themselves useful in some way ... an exception being the team from Lincs Loos and Showers ... hats off to them and their services
Having been to both Peterborough and Billing (in its heyday) for 20 years or more, Belvoir felt like a big step backwards 😕

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