Big Al inSalford.

New Member
Just to let you guys know i had a fault on my P reg 300tdi this weekend where the symtoms were smoking on tick over and badly smoking on take off but seemed to clear when the revs were over 3000rpm.:mad:

After asking a few mates and people in the know everyone seemed to come back with the same ideas... turbo oil seals going... head gasket... fuel pump... belts slipped a tooth...

so after getting it to work and in the workshop i held the revs on a fast idle and cracked each injector off and #3 cylinder didnt seem to change the idle:rolleyes:
so i pulled the injector and upon inspection i could see the nozzle had cracked:( luckily I had a spare set of injectors so banged another in and wahay sorted:bounce:

So just thought I'd share it with you all as you never know it may just happen to you.

big Al.

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