
Active Member
My neighbour was widowed some months ago and has offered me to buy either of her two of her 3 land rovers. The lady in question has no idea of their value and I don't want to take advantage of her some I am after some idea as what would be a fair price to offer and which one to buy.

1. N reg 90 truckcab 300tdi
50k from new
Clean chassis and no dents.
New exhaust.
MT tyres.
Has been used primarily off road for the last several years but looks to be road worthy at first inspection.

2. R reg P38 4.0 auto
Clean and tidy, no dents, scrapes or rust.
one owner from new
no towbar
needs 1 tyre
No warning lights showing
Done something like 40k from new.
Sound like good motors if you dont want them pass them my way. For prices i would go to eBay and see what they are selling for.
Why not list them on ebay, that way you can bid on them if you want to buy them and she will get the best price she can for them.
I paid just over £4k for my wife's 87 90 truck cab that was mint but I had one hell of a deal on it. From what I've seen over the last 12 months looking and researching 300Tdi truck cabs can fetch up to around £6k depending on condition but I'm far from an expert.
As above sell them for her and bid on the one you want. She has lost her husband and has no idea what she have already taken the first step because instead of buying either of them you asked on here what they what to offer/do.

Go on make a ladies day fella she probably thinks they are worth bugger all!!
as above sell them for her and bid on the one you want. She has lost her husband and has no idea what she have already taken the first step because instead of buying either of them you asked on here what they what to offer/do.

Go on make a ladies day fella she probably thinks they are worth bugger all!!

Karma.... Always go for the good karma!

+2. Karma has a knack of coming back around and biting you in the arse so do the right thing and put them on eBay. She gets the best deal possible and you get the Landy you want if it's in your range. You're a good fella for doing this for her fair play to you. Some would take advantage of a widow but it's great to see you upholding the trustworthy Landy owners name.
Ask her what she wants and get it bought before somebody else does,

If it is a farm defender have a really good look at the chassis, cow **** rots it like salt water
I've given it a once over for her now and found a few issues. Currently too much blue smoke to pass MOT. But body and chassis is sound as a bell, I will be advertising them for her I expect but not on ebay I don't trust it.
Come to an agreement today to buy the fender and will be making up and advert for the P38 in due course.
Mines spent 25 years on a sheep farm what's that **** like?:D

I'm not an expert in ****, all I know is I looked at a couple of ex farm defenders.

The low mileage one owner seemed appealing but on closer inspection the chassis was full of dung which I was told has an acidic effect plus both had very worn transmissions and axles.

One was like one of those safes you see where they throw a lever and load of cogs whirr and eventually the door opes

You put it into gear, let the clutch out and eventually it moved with a lot of clunking and banging.

After that I didn't look at any farm defenders
I've given it a once over for her now and found a few issues. Currently too much blue smoke to pass MOT. But body and chassis is sound as a bell, I will be advertising them for her I expect but not on ebay I don't trust it.

You don't trust EBay?
been burnt too many times by dodgy ebayers.

Although this is a farm truck its not been caked in ****. The farm is 1500 acre hill farm and the landy was used to patrol the boundaries and deliver feed and hay to the sheep. A fair amount of the work it did would have been in low range but mostly using the shaled tracks to avoid damaging the pastures. I have driven her. The transmission is quieter than my discos. No bangs or clunks and no crunching from the gears. I had her in all gears as well.

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