
Manky innards but smilin' still
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So off kipping in the beast at the weekend and my previous mark one bed got damp over the winter and I had to throw the wood away.

Mark two bed was one of those roll up wooden slat mattress things from ikea but it didn't work well when it got to the bit where the bench seats ended and it had to reach the folded back middle row.

So im after a simple ( ie very very simple ), cheap solution to a base that I can fit into the back of the 110 that I can then put a double air matress ontop of. Any ideas please ?
So off kipping in the beast at the weekend and my previous mark one bed got damp over the winter and I had to throw the wood away.

Mark two bed was one of those roll up wooden slat mattress things from ikea but it didn't work well when it got to the bit where the bench seats ended and it had to reach the folded back middle row.

So im after a simple ( ie very very simple ), cheap solution to a base that I can fit into the back of the 110 that I can then put a double air matress ontop of. Any ideas please ?

Sheet of 18mm Exterior ply, cut to size, should do nicely.
Errrr..nope...two bench seats that had wood across ...the middle row of seats fold forward and I had a big bit of wood over the gap where the middle row would have been if they were down.

Mark one bed worked ok apart from the fact they were gurt big bits of wood which I struggled to get into position alone and also no where to store them so they got mouldy under the car port over the winter. Mark two solution was a disaster :eek:
I'm struggling to picture the setup but could you use two pieces of wood under your ikea rollout thingy, so that you have some form of support to bridge the gap?

I'm thinking of a ladder type setup, if that makes sense! In fact, I've got two pieces of metal in the garden that I reckon would do the trick (the side bits from an old metal framed bed). Probably no use to you, but it's making sense in my head!
Could you get a picture hun? Not sure how a 110 looks with seats down etc :p,n Tried a hammock style bed?
I'm picturing something like this:

I'm picturing something like this:


See thats kind of what I had before but it wasn't rigid it folded up like an accordian.

Will post a piccie tomorrow after work. It has to be solid enough to carry my weight ( so balsa wood is out :D ) but not so heavy and big that I can't manoeuvre it and lift it waist height to get it in through the back door.

I know the hammock idea was a joke but I wonder if that would actually work. ...a double one that is ?? Is the roof tough enough to hold the weight if it had like giant hooks in it :confused:
The problem with a hammock is getting it tight enough to support something without serious sag in the middle. could be done with rigid spreaders I guess but that puts a lot of strain on small areas.

What about Chr1s' idea but in say 3 sections so they can stand stacked on edge when not in use and easier to move about.

My bed is basically that but in two different width lengthwise sections so they can be laid side by side for a double (ish) bed or the wide section flat and the narrow on edge for a single/sofa.

For yours I'd imagine you'd want 2 or 3 full width sections.....if any of that makes sense :)
I had a hammock in ages ago and it was cracking fun but wasn't comfy. You might be able to improvise though.
What's wrong with mk1 idea but get some decent marine ply and weatherproof it?
how about some marine ply used between the boxes as a load bed, could even rubber mat it. then when you want to kip, you stick some stands/blocks under it to raise it to seatbox level?

you could even bolt a couple bits of angle to the seat boxes so a couple bits of 2x4 could slip in and form the supports
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Thanks for the suggestions...gonna do a bodge job of the highest and cheapest order to get me through this weekend and then my bit of stuff is visiting next week so he can make something better then.

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