Iluminate and burn the Mondo ,death to the infidel may his freelander burn in hell [Mrs Ming now zap him[ oh. . . sorry this recording is all pre acted and is in no way related ta any rockets from ZOG we are totally against any act of aggression or nasty bits ta any earthlings or to earthling Mondo as we think he is a very nice tw@t sorry translation problems er man, , ,Zog will not be held for any transmission on your earth if ya even think of getting yer solicitors involved [then we will just wipe you out ,] its your choose really. . .:p
ming said:
Iluminate and burn the Mondo ,death to the infidel may his freelander burn in hell [Mrs Ming now zap him[ oh. . . sorry this recording is all pre acted and is in no way related ta any rockets from ZOG we are totally against any act of aggression or nasty bits ta any earthlings or to earthling Mondo as we think he is a very nice tw@t sorry translation problems er man, , ,Zog will not be held for any transmission on your earth if ya even think of getting yer solicitors involved [then we will just wipe you out ,] its your choose really. . .:p
Oops wrong bit. . .:D

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