
Well-Known Member
In a world of confusion and 'badge engineering' you don't know what you are buying, but when I bought a Bearmach boxed fuel pump with 'Made in England' printed on the box I thought it should be a genuine Bearmach!?!?

But - in a small sticker on the box it states C of O China !
I have raised this with Bearmach and they don't seem unduly concerned, they state:
No this isn’t a genuine pump, it’s our own bearmach pump made in china, for a genuine pump the price is £175.34+ Vat

Is it or is it not a Bearmach pump I ask, no reply. Is it illegal to badge as Bearmach I ask, no reply.

Then I contact the supplier pointing out the anomaly. They reply with a very wordy:

We've taken the decision not to stock Bearmach versions of this fuel pump any more, so this particular listing does not work anymore. We've not stated that the Bearmach one is a genuine Land Rover part, but that it corresponds to Land Rover part numbers for ease of . We're aware that a lot of these pumps developed a noise or have failed, and have sorted replacements for these. However to save further problems we no longer sell them. We don't usually have the location of manufacture listed for our products, but as its Bearmach branded its usually a clear sign its not genuine. They can supply genuine parts, but they don't usually hold much stock of it and it'll still be branded as Land Rover when they send it through to us.

We have a variety of these pumps available and are very open about their source. Currently Allmakes (listing number 400860733558) Of note, C of O is UK, Genuine Land Rover (listing number 400695927707) and we've ordered in a batch of OEM ones via Britpart (also available through Allmakes), which I believe are French Manufacturer Marwal (listing number 220812369875).

The prices do vary a lot, understandably while everyone would always prefer genuine parts, budgets don't always allow that so we try to make sure we offer a range of quality parts to suit everyone.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.

Anyone else noticed this seemingly out of control tracability nightmare. What to do next???

Bit miffed that the supplier sold me a pump that they knew they had problems with, I am sure these 'problems' didn't just appear..........................
If it states a country of origin on the box and says it's made there, then that's a legal obligation. You can't do much else other than demand a refund though, if it's from another country.
Basically, it's all bollox, and suppliers get parts from wherever and stick em in any old boxes with the corresponding part number on.
I worked in electrical retail for 20 years(thankfully not anymore) and you wouldn't believe what your buying, when you pay for that branded item.
Research, research and more research, is the only answer.
I think you may be confudling yourself with Bearmach's own branded parts (produced for Bearmach) and genuine Land Rover parts...
If a retailer has their own design and asks another company to manufacture it for them, then pass it to them to sell, it's still their product, as it's built/tested to their design spec. This happens everywhere. They've just outsourced the build/test. Shop's own brand is an eggsample. Many companies sell their own product as like for like, but not a genuine part as it's their own version of said part, and not built to the genuine part spec. Just because it may fit, doesn't mean it's the same as a genuine original part.

Many have slagged oft rear diff mounts when failing too soon saying the LR genuine part is no good. What they have done is bought someone else's none genuine part which is cheaper and built to a different spec, more often than not a lower cheaper to manufacture spec. The phrase "genuine part for yer LR" may be used in advertising, but it's not telling you it is a genuine LR product or LR genuine product. It's telling you the listed part is the right part for your LR. The order of words provides a different legal meaning. Same with "alternative part" which tells you the part an alternative, and not a like for like replacement for a genuine LR part. These phrases are chosen due to their precise definition, which may lead the buyer to assimilate the meaning to something else. Like on eb ay when someone says "untested". It's code for I know it's broke'd.

Boxing with the wrong country may have just been a mistake. I don't think we will ever know if it was a mistake or with intension to mislead. I've bought computer parts from shops which have had a different country to on the box to the product marking inside. Companies take this quite seriously. My guess is it was just a mistake when boxing. Same with yer pump.

The issue over the country on the box etc is more complex. Country of Origin isn't necessarily where it was completely manufactured. If you can claim a substantial amount of work was done in a particular country, then that country can be considered the country of origin. This would be the last country the substantial work was done in. The Chamber allow 40% as a guide. For eggsample electronics components are made all round the world and supplied to the uk. If a UK assembler of PCB's solders the components onto a PCB in the UK (PCB made in Italy say) and tested in the UK, this is said to be off UK origin as a claim can be made that a substantial amount of work was done in the UK, despite all the components being made world wide. This wouldn't be the case for the pump as it was probably assembled/built in one country which wasn't the UK. Testing in the UK only wouldn't be considered enough for a pump to be considered UK origin.
My pennyworth.
Interesting, does LR make parts? I'd say no. They assemble their vehicles from numerous parts made by suppliers but made to key specifications, possibly including better materials or manufacturing process. OEM = made by the original suppliers to LR and to the same spec's? All makes et el = same design but to differing specs / materials quality.

Should country of origin matter? Probably not. More importantly though is to what spec the part/s are made to. So LR parts would be good, or should be good. OEM should be good to as they should be made to the original LR spec's, or so we all think. Bearmach, Allmakes et el = they set their own specs to manufacture to largely based on price, that is, what the market is prepared to pay. SO we get to choose, LR at a high price and hopefully made to a high spec, quality materials..., OEM should be the same or we assume they are. Bearmach, Allmakes et el Who knows!
Like most old car manufacturers when changing over models still retain old stock like door handles fuel pumps engines petrol tanks just the skirts changes and colour for new customers. Good example is my fuel filter state at the front near my engine in the Haynes manual yet being a later model within the year is at the rear wheel arch. 2002 02 MODEL mine 52.
My pennyworth.
Interesting, does LR make parts? I'd say no. They assemble their vehicles from numerous parts made by suppliers but made to key specifications, possibly including better materials or manufacturing process. OEM = made by the original suppliers to LR and to the same spec's? All makes et el = same design but to differing specs / materials quality.

Should country of origin matter? Probably not. More importantly though is to what spec the part/s are made to. So LR parts would be good, or should be good. OEM should be good to as they should be made to the original LR spec's, or so we all think. Bearmach, Allmakes et el = they set their own specs to manufacture to largely based on price, that is, what the market is prepared to pay. SO we get to choose, LR at a high price and hopefully made to a high spec, quality materials..., OEM should be the same or we assume they are. Bearmach, Allmakes et el Who knows!
LR do make some parts in the factory where they assemble cars but the majority of items are bought in. When they want something different they have to ask for it. I would guess if the supplier can make money and it's possible, then they would go for it. As an eggsample LR buy's metal in large rolls and press out panels themselves before either joining it together to build cars or send it outside the factory for sale outside of LR in the parts market. Some of it goes to other LR plants around the world for assembly. They build small assemblies themselves too sometimes from parts made themselves or bought in, as well as the general car build. Depends on the vehicle and what's needed. Tratters had a lot more sub assemblies built in house that other current LR's.

Bought in items are to their own spec if it's not available of on the market already. This includes the physical spec as well as delivery spec. How it's packaged to transport it to and in the assembly factory. Quality it monitored and any delays in delivery of items they can use costs the supplier. Suppliers have to be able to meet demand while delivering in time and to spec. Once you're inside this loop it can produce regular work for a long time.

The one thing they won't skimp on is quality. If it's not right it's not used. That stops the track sometimes. If it's something like a badge they can put it on after so the track won't stop. Some question quality like when Tata took over peeps thought LR would buy cheap from India. India being presumed to supply lesser quality goods. Tata gave JLR about £1.6billion and asked them to invest it wisely. Handing over that sort of money while not asking for it back, doesn't sound like a company looking to cut corners with cheap parts. We'll know for sure when celebrating the Freelander 50th anniversary.
I once asked my local LR agent what the differences with genuine LR parts and the spurious parts sold on many web sites , his answer to me was that I could guarantee the the Genuine LR parts had been tested by LR and had passed the LR quality control standards for that particular part.

It did not matter where or who had manufactured the component for LR as long as it met their own design criteria and had passed their own LR QC test.
I once asked my local LR agent what the differences with genuine LR parts and the spurious parts sold on many web sites , his answer to me was that I could guarantee the the Genuine LR parts had been tested by LR and had passed the LR quality control standards for that particular part.

It did not matter where or who had manufactured the component for LR as long as it met their own design criteria and had passed their own LR QC test.

That's pretty meaningless as LR QC is mediocre at best. Lots of the LR designed stuff fails long before it should. But that's all part of the fun about owning an LR :)
You can stop copying out from the LR sales literature now Hippo!
Tata gave JLR about £1.6billion and asked them to invest it wisely. Handing over that sort of money while not asking for it back
Yeh right! If they did that, they would have gone bust long before they acquired that much cash. They would have had members on the board, the board would give the company direction and investments of that size would have needed to be sanctioned by the board. There would have been some freedom create plans, but those plans would have been scruutimised by Tata to make sure they had a good chance of returning any "£1.6billion" and what ever they paid Ford.
We'll know for sure when celebrating the Freelander 50th anniversary.
I'll be sure to pack a mobile with a big battery then. You can text me on the other side with the answer.
That's pretty meaningless as LR QC is mediocre at best. Lots of the LR designed stuff fails long before it should. But that's all part of the fun about owning an LR :)
Having had a giggle at Hippos interpretation of LR Quality, one has to be fair - they are a lot better these days and do put more effort in.

But, they can afford to because all their products are double the price of what they used to be.
You can stop copying out from the LR sales literature now Hippo!

Yeh right! If they did that, they would have gone bust long before they acquired that much cash. They would have had members on the board, the board would give the company direction and investments of that size would have needed to be sanctioned by the board. There would have been some freedom create plans, but those plans would have been scruutimised by Tata to make sure they had a good chance of returning any "£1.6billion" and what ever they paid Ford.

I'll be sure to pack a mobile with a big battery then. You can text me on the other side with the answer.
May I suggest you have a look at the Tata group and consider the volume of money the group turns over world wide, and the profits, and the sizeable company it is. Then look at the JLR financing strategy since Tata took over. Then consider the expansion JRL has had which started under Ford, but accelerated massively when Tata took over. It's true Tata as the owner will take final profits but Tata gave the £1.6b to invest, and did not ask for it back directly. That means they didn't start asking for £n amount per week/month repayment as you would a loan. Tata will however receive the money back as a reward from higher profits over coming years. A gamble that backed the right horse.
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That's pretty meaningless as LR QC is mediocre at best. Lots of the LR designed stuff fails long before it should. But that's all part of the fun about owning an LR :)

I am happy to bow to your superior wisdom. I can only relate what I was told and, I must say that the genuine LR parts that I have purchased over the past few years have proven to be better. Notwithstanding this experience, as a past resident of St Mawgan, any man living close to Newquay can't be all that bad!

Does anyone truly know why we do buy and love these vehicles as we do? I have often wondered why I am so committed to my Defender.
I am happy to bow to your superior wisdom. I can only relate what I was told and, I must say that the genuine LR parts that I have purchased over the past few years have proven to be better. Notwithstanding this experience, as a past resident of St Mawgan, any man living close to Newquay can't be all that bad!

Does anyone truly know why we do buy and love these vehicles as we do? I have often wondered why I am so committed to my Defender.
The BMW years were bad for the Freelander and other LRs too. It was almost like they deliberately made stuff cheap to tarnish LRs reputation. When Ford took over, some things improved. However there were some quality issues on some components. This is probably due to LR wanting to have the technological lead on the competition.
I have heard that some genuine LR items have suffered quality wise since the Tata takeover. The prices of spares has also increased, 4 fold in some cases.
Still we still love LR vehicles and accept there little reliability issues as all part of the experience.
I can see St Mawgan from my back garden. ;)
The BMW years were bad for the Freelander and other LRs too. It was almost like they deliberately made stuff cheap to tarnish LRs reputation. When Ford took over, some things improved. However there were some quality issues on some components. This is probably due to LR wanting to have the technological lead on the competition.
I have heard that some genuine LR items have suffered quality wise since the Tata takeover. The prices of spares has also increased, 4 fold in some cases.
Still we still love LR vehicles and accept there little reliability issues as all part of the experience.
I can see St Mawgan from my back garden. ;)
It weren't all bad. On day 1 bmw looked at the Freelander project (what had been done so far) and allowed it to continue. :)
The BMW years were bad for the Freelander and other LRs too. It was almost like they deliberately made stuff cheap to tarnish LRs reputation. When Ford took over, some things improved. However there were some quality issues on some components. This is probably due to LR wanting to have the technological lead on the competition.
I have heard that some genuine LR items have suffered quality wise since the Tata takeover. The prices of spares has also increased, 4 fold in some cases.
Still we still love LR vehicles and accept there little reliability issues as all part of the experience.
I can see St Mawgan from my back garden. ;)

I miss Cornwall. My father lived in Polruan for many years until he passed away. I've been away from St Mawgan for about twenty five years after a divorce. I left with my 110, a few guitars and the clothes I had on me. But no regrets. I have many wonderful memories of St Mawgan.
In a world of confusion and 'badge engineering' you don't know what you are buying, but when I bought a Bearmach boxed fuel pump with 'Made in England' printed on the box I thought it should be a genuine Bearmach!?!?

But - in a small sticker on the box it states C of O China !
I have raised this with Bearmach and they don't seem unduly concerned, they state:
No this isn’t a genuine pump, it’s our own bearmach pump made in china, for a genuine pump the price is £175.34+ Vat

Is it or is it not a Bearmach pump I ask, no reply. Is it illegal to badge as Bearmach I ask, no reply.

Then I contact the supplier pointing out the anomaly. They reply with a very wordy:

We've taken the decision not to stock Bearmach versions of this fuel pump any more, so this particular listing does not work anymore. We've not stated that the Bearmach one is a genuine Land Rover part, but that it corresponds to Land Rover part numbers for ease of . We're aware that a lot of these pumps developed a noise or have failed, and have sorted replacements for these. However to save further problems we no longer sell them. We don't usually have the location of manufacture listed for our products, but as its Bearmach branded its usually a clear sign its not genuine. They can supply genuine parts, but they don't usually hold much stock of it and it'll still be branded as Land Rover when they send it through to us.

We have a variety of these pumps available and are very open about their source. Currently Allmakes (listing number 400860733558) Of note, C of O is UK, Genuine Land Rover (listing number 400695927707) and we've ordered in a batch of OEM ones via Britpart (also available through Allmakes), which I believe are French Manufacturer Marwal (listing number 220812369875).

The prices do vary a lot, understandably while everyone would always prefer genuine parts, budgets don't always allow that so we try to make sure we offer a range of quality parts to suit everyone.

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.

Anyone else noticed this seemingly out of control tracability nightmare. What to do next???

Bit miffed that the supplier sold me a pump that they knew they had problems with, I am sure these 'problems' didn't just appear..........................
Don't forget you have the right to return the part for a full refund under law, as well as under ebay rules so just send it back.
Don't worry about them not refunding your money as Paypal will ensure your refunded.
Well it's fitted and working now, purely flagging the labelling issues.

Technically it is guaranteed for 3 years by Bearmach - no labelling on the pump itself (just the box) so this may be difficult to impose.

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