
Active Member
I recently bid on a landy on ebay the item finished not reaching reserve I was checking my emails yesterday and came across a second chance offer.
Ideal I thought and was just about to respond when I got a nagging suspicion the item DIDNT sell to start with, went back on to my ebay account and sure enough it hadn't and further more No second chance offer on there so I contacted the seller who was totally at a loss as to how it had been sent. Did some pocking about and it was some scamming B####TID :eek: so be careful guys and gals! :)
yep, heard of this before.

Also duplicate listings of items as well. they steal your photos and place the item up for sale. someone buys it then they run off with the cash.

Happens on gum tree as well.

have to take care these days.
I sold some landy bits a few months back which actually sold. Then i was emailed by 2 underbidders who has been sent bogus second chance offers!

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