
New Member
What's the best battery to put on my 99 p38? Not using it enough bought new battery from motorworld but after a day or so I have to jump it.
Been told can put a leisure battery on but not sure.
Thanks in advance.
If its draining a battery after a day or so then there is something keeping the car awake. Even a relatively small battery should last longer than that. I would have a look into battery drain problems and start there.
If its draining a battery after a day or so then there is something keeping the car awake. Even a relatively small battery should last longer than that. I would have a look into battery drain problems and start there.
And get the biggest battery from BatteryMega superstore (think thats the name) but a search will give you the answers.
If your battery is going flat that quick you have a drain, there are a few known faults one is the rf remote receiver wakes the car up with signals from wifi, remote door bells and weather stations
headlight wipers not parked can also drain power, to stop wifi interference you can buy an upgraded receiver from LR at about £240 ao you can fit a second remote here are the details of my set up
and this is the one I used http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-5...8.l2649%26ssPageName%3DSTRK%253AMEBIDX%253AIT
Fitting a leisure battery is like linking a PP9 through two series wired double A's. At least 90 AMP 750 cca for a petrol and 115 AMP 900 cca for a diesel. Check your charging circuit.
Check for the problem, when you have sorted it out go to Lincon Battery's http://www.lincon.co.uk/ give them a ring, they will advise you what the best one, they sent me one and believe me I cant get a cigarette paper in the holder now, and they build them, they dont buy them in and sell them off, and they will post them out dry, and send the acid in bottles, you just fill it up, but last time they sent it filled up
Honestly dont know what it was, but it fitted in a treat, I have had 2 from him a classic one with the lead contacts for my series II and it looked the part on the old girl, and the one I have in the P38 and its been great even when I have to do short trips for a week or two, I highly recommend them (I am voting out) :)

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