The temperature outside drops so of course a problem occurs with my L322.

Better half reported that the battery was flat on Monday, I get back after being away and fit a battery I bought a month back as the current one wasn't holding charge too well (or was it actually just fine).

All okay for a mile, then next time I start the engine my battery warning light pops up. 12.05 at the battery so no alternator charge getting that far.

Now before I go and replace the alternator are there any basic tests I can do before the wallet has to open before Christmas and I have to drain the bloody coolant again!


p.s. found these alternators - "very good pri" but they could be knock offs...

Range Rover L322 BMW X5 4.4L Petrol V8 M62 Alternator OE Quality Barry4x4 ALT248 | eBay
The temperature outside drops so of course a problem occurs with my L322.

Better half reported that the battery was flat on Monday, I get back after being away and fit a battery I bought a month back as the current one wasn't holding charge too well (or was it actually just fine).

All okay for a mile, then next time I start the engine my battery warning light pops up. 12.05 at the battery so no alternator charge getting that far.

Now before I go and replace the alternator are there any basic tests I can do before the wallet has to open before Christmas and I have to drain the bloody coolant again!


p.s. found these alternators - "very good pri" but they could be knock offs...

Range Rover L322 BMW X5 4.4L Petrol V8 M62 Alternator OE Quality Barry4x4 ALT248 | eBay

I would personally go for one slightly cheaper and a re-con one with a yrs warranty;

Range Rover 4.4 150 AMP water / liquid cooled Alternator Bosch 01220AA1J0 | eBay

I got one from a great guy in Yorkshire
he advertises on ebay
does the recons using genuine parts or cheaper parts if required
cant go past him
pm me if you would like his number
think I paid £80 or £90 exchange delivered to the door

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