
New Member
Hi all, took the Landy out for a play in the rain yesterday, as you do :D and when going through some fords and getting a good splash (the kids love it its nothing to do with me.. honest) the battery light would illuminate, and then die back off, also the power steering became quite stiff..??

I've had a nose to day and have noticed some teeth missing from the alternator drive belt so thats being replaced this week, but would this have caused it..?? Also should I replace the other pulley.?? not sure what its called :confused: ...?? As I belive this powers the power steering pump, and may not be quite right...

Thanks in advance...
hi Murkster
just read this hope this helps
the light comes on in water when you get the alternator wet also with missing teeth on belt it will cause it to slip and no doubt break apart very soon the other belt is your power steering belt and the reason your steering goes stiff is because water is pushing against the great big fan on the radiator which is all causing resistance to the tension on the belts if you take it easy its not so harsh on the components always check belt tensions befor going playin regards colin
Hi murkster, ya i would agree with colintandy, to check the belts tension, and may be replace the alternator. can i ask you, when the baterry light comes on, does the radio or other electrics mulfunction<
Thx for the replys, no other electric item played up, only had the blowers on and didnt notice anything amiss.... The light only came on after a splash down :) and only stayed on for 2 - 3 seconds, also today the belt made a nice few scretching noises not for long, so I assume there was still some moisture left on the belt/pulleys..., had the same from my previous car, changed the belt and retensioned and it was fine so hopefully the same here...

Am replacing the alternator belt anyway and will check the tensions...

See what happens...
just dont overtighten as you will put to much strain on the bearings on the alternator pulley a good idear is to clean alternator with fresh clean water and then try and get some general purpose oil on them i use 3-in 1 oil as i find wd 40 for the bearings is to light but great for the electrical components on alternator is worth taken of when you change belt take apart and remove any dirt wsh /oil/and re tighten then check after about 100 miles as new belts tend to stretch alot from experiance i would only by origanal parts had a none origanal belt on 2 weeks ago and it lasted 1 day teeth destroyed after some light winching and driving regards colin:rolleyes:

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