
New Member
Just had a few weeks flustration with my 12yr old TD5 cold morning completely dead on the ignition switch so jumped started her an thought battery twelve years old, fair enough, get new one..£120.. Nearly broke me back lifting them in an outa the footwell. A week or so later 3am! Alarm started "chirpin", turned ingnition switch on and it went haywrye, instruments whizzin round and alarm sounding. only way to stop it was disconnect battery terminals.. now as you know this takes time and tools. ( me and my neighbours not happy.) The new battery had 4volts left in it!..Recharged and back on, ok for few day's then same palaver dead as a dodo. Took to local LR dealer, Hallam's they checked electrical system no trace of obvious fault. After me getting sick o jump starting her every week or so, Hallam's lent me a courtesy car and kept it for a week until the Toad alarm gave it's self away and started "chirpin" in their garage. ( Thank heavens! think they were startin to doubt my sanity.) Toad alarm removed completely, no further problems!Thank you Hallam's for great service and your patience..:) Anyone want a twelve year old 110ah battery that's sat on my garage floor holding a 12volt charge perfectly..:doh:
Stick your battery in the For Sale section. There may be plenty of takers in the Cleck-Hudders-Fax area who might like it!
How old is the toad, Get on the phone to them and get an e-mail address then also get a letter from LR stating it was the alarm and see if they are willing to do anything, Known companys to pay the bill and install a new device if you wanted FOC

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