
New Member
Hey there, had an issue yesterday, its now resolved but it'll crop up again. I was out in the landy last tuesday, good hours run in the dark (so lights on), now yesterday I go to start her (she's been sitting with nothing draining power between tuesday and sunday) the battery was completely flat. Charged it up and it fired on first go today. It's a brand new battery as of august so I don't see why it lost so much power in the space of just less than a week.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue? I'm now resorting to disconnecting the leads from the battery in order to ensure nothing is draining power but could the run with the headlights on have drained it so much?
Not likely and if the alternator wasn't charging the little green light should be on - I presume it's on with the ignition on and off with the engine running?
If you've got a meter you could check to see what current drain there is with the ignition off - on a series there shouldn't really be any unless there's an alarm or radio fitted. If there is a current drain it may well be via a faulty alternator regulator.
Earths are good, clean them up (the ones I can reach) after each green lane run and if its sat I'll still give it a once over before driving.

I'll be getting a meter but there's no alarm and the radio is completely removed and disconnected when the engines off. The "charge" light is off whilst the engine runs (sometimes flashes on when the revs drop but that's to be expected). I suppose this light is unreliable though as I'm not sure how these things work, assuming its simply a sensor which flicks on the light when it detects negative charge (battery draining power) and off when the alternator is producing power.

I know stripping the alternator is a specialist job but would it be worth just taking a peak? There's obviously going to be some crap in there that I can't get at from the outside but I don't think its affected its overall operation.
Do you have a local auto electricians you can pop the alternator into? Faults are unlikely to be visible and they will have the kit to diagnose a dodgy one. I wouldn't expect the ignition light to flicker at low revs so it might be a question of poor charging rather than drain.

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