Russell Jupp

New Member
Hi all,
hoping someone can help...need to replace the 2 bass drivers, located under the boot floor, FL1 millenium. They are 6" dia speakers, but have no details stamped anywhere on them-not even a manufacturers' name!!
I need to know power rating and resistance, so if anyone can help I'd be really grateful.
Just checked mine ( which is out and on the bench ) and they are the same as yours and have no identification on them. My amp has blown after being submerged in the well and I had the same problem in as much there is absolutley NO name or manufacturer on it anywhere.
How strange.....
flippin nuisance!!! I'm gonna take a stab at 8 ohms, they are unlikely to be 16 i think. Sadly they are both knackered, so I cant measure the resistance.
just to be pedantic - it aint resistance, its impedance, cause it depends on frequency :bolt: :D
just to be pedantic....

Electrical impedance
, or simply impedance, describes a measure of opposition to alternating current (AC). Electrical impedance extends the concept of resistance to AC circuits, describing not only the relative amplitudes of the voltage and current, but also the relative phases. When the circuit is driven with direct current (DC) there is no distinction between impedance and resistance

In electrical circuits, Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference or voltage across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them, provided that the temperature remains constant.[1]
The mathematical equation that describes this relationship is:[2]
where V is the potential difference measured across the resistance in units of volts; I is the current through the resistance in units of amperes and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms. More specifically, Ohm's law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent of the current.[3]
I dont know, and frankly i dont care, and lets face it, who gives a f**k? Are you able to help with my original question?
I dont know, and frankly i dont care, and lets face it, who gives a f**k? Are you able to help with my original question?

I would say if U "cut & past" and don't understand the subject in which it relates too and are unable elaborate on it and so inform the OP on his issue, don't post it, anyone can look at an encyclopedia on the www.

Note to self "stay out of the Freelander Forum"
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Cheers RJ yup, all time favorite early and late incarnation of them.
Been listening to them since 1970 .
Hope you get the speakers sorted.

Imho, Fagen, Becker and friends=musical genuis!!

as i said, think i'll plump for 8 ohm drivers...should restore the bass nicely!!
I would say if U "cut & past" and don't understand the subject in which it relates too and are unable elaborate on it and so inform the OP on his issue, don't post it, anyone can look at an encyclopedia on the www.

Note to self "stay out of the Freelander Forum"

as professional musician, with a degree in sound engineering, i think i do know the subject, but really could'nt be bothered to get involved. I am also the OP.
Pedants aside it is more likely that the original fitment would be 4ohm rather than 8. This particularly true as it is for a car so the voltage rails are restricted. Even in domestic units 4 is not unusual unless you have high end equipment.

Also remember that low frequencies are non directional and have little or no stereo ambience so do you really need 2 speakers. My HK based system has only one speaker but with two voicecoils (4 terminals) to get the drive. Incidentally mine has no marking on it either
Pedants aside it is more likely that the original fitment would be 4ohm rather than 8. This particularly true as it is for a car so the voltage rails are restricted. Even in domestic units 4 is not unusual unless you have high end equipment.

Also remember that low frequencies are non directional and have little or no stereo ambience so do you really need 2 speakers. My HK based system has only one speaker but with two voicecoils (4 terminals) to get the drive. Incidentally mine has no marking on it either

Great, thanks for the info. Will source a couple of 4 ohm drivers.

Note to self: treat with contempt posts made by those who have little or nothing to contribute.
had a werd wiff young Porky on this subject [he has an Nvq in plumbing]/ / / / / / / / /an he sis Floppy flippy flip man is a **** stirring bastid and thet the said ohms on a speacker is the peak voltage of the said impedance and thet RMS [root mean squared] can apply in this occasion provided that the installer is part P Compliant :D :D :D i int got a clue wot eeze on about :confused: :confused: :confused:

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