
New Member
Hi !! Complete Landy virgin - so treat me genty pls!

I've just been to see a locally advertised 110 c4 1989 DT - converted from hardtop to windows and benches (not sure of the terminology!) 13 yrs ago. Same owner 13 yrs, 85k miles (all MOTs to verify) and serviced annually locally. Used for horse towing work by very well off owners, and light estate stuff.
I did the basic checks - bulkhead OK, 4 new tyres, chassis sound (but mucky) engine not too smokey and started from cold OK (in -2c conditions!) Heater Ok, BUT - lots of oil on the top of the head and around the turbo, and
the drivers side A piller is rot. Now, I know the oil isn't good but is it acceptable. The Lady of the house has NEVER lifted the bonnet so no help there. The asking price is less then a thousand pounds.... MOT till May too...

I need help - it's what I want (perm 4 wheel drive and space to swing the dog) but is it a mutt - Do all 2.5 DTs blow oil a bit and this is just an accumalation?
Thanks for any help!!!
Can't help much I'm new to the game myself. But:-

A, '89 a bit on the old side but if it's solid then who cares.

b, 85k is low, so good.

c, Regular servicing, good.

d, Horse towing is a very cruel sport and should be abolished immediately.

e, Bulk head ok, good tyres, and sound chassis, good.

f, Oil round head and turbo, dunno could be bad, leaks can be stopped though, and the leaked oil stops further rot.

g, pillar rot, new pillars are cheapish and available from p/cr/addocks. dunno how expensive/easy to have fitted though. and has the rot got into the bulkhead? so on the whole, bad.

h, What the hell else can you buy for less than a grand, that could still realistically be on the road for the forseeable future or at least till you get bored with it, and you can still sell it for what you bought it for (if you've looked after it).

I paid more for my '89 90 last Saturday, nearly twice as many miles, but solid all round, its the best thing I ever did (well almost) wish I'd got one years ago.

The only problem is the missus likes it and dosn't want me to take it off road in case I break it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Grunt... Horse towing in Kent is a traditional sport, only slightly less popular than sheep driving, where we pick up innocent sheep and drive them around the county...
I made an offer (900) and I'm awaiting a response....
Glad to be of assistance.

We don't have innocent sheep round these parts, on account of the low goat population!!!!!!!!!!

Let us know how you get on.

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