
Well-Known Member
before i start i ain't got no wish to upset peeps but i have to say something about the sudden end that was put to the inter model war. it was harmless fun and contrary to what has been said else where on the forum people looking for help was still getting help albeit with some humour add for free. the offending posts and threads have the most views and answers of all the threads on the forum so they must have been popular. meaning alot of people where reading them. which begs the question, how many people found them upsetting, rude, offensive, or is it just part of the 'prevention of pleasure act' that some people seem to enjoy enforcing? this seems to be a case of a few spoiling it for the majority. of course i don't have the details of the number of complaints only the number of viewings the threads got. there is an ignore function on this site that people could use if their sense of humour is restricted,but rather than do that they decide to complain to the forum police, whose reaction was biased to the humorless ones, they could have kicked us off the site but didn't so i for one will thank accywingy for that. i'm not all that up on how these forums work but i now believe that we was using up a lot of availible space with or verbal war and if this cause a problem i apologise to those concerned. maybe an real time chat option would be the answer,but again i have no idea how hard this would be to acheive. also the advise offered from the tractor boys is usually based on years of experience and not just on tractors either, so is a great help to most people with limited mechanical experience. so i assume that from now on we will have to watch what we say incase some namby pamby gets upset and stick strictly to the topic of the thread, least we upset those who prefer to do their bitching in private. Mr B Slob C&G GSM& bar MM
Yup, Hear hear to most of that I think?? I'll be the first to apologise if my actions have caused or led to anyone else to cause any offence.
l think this is my first time over in tractor land ,well for the record , not got nufin against you tractor boys , and i think like yourselfs it twas done in fun,and to those that took offense bout my porky pig remark,then yes i'm sorry and OK a bit O T T. . . but got to hand it to the tractor boys ,ya totally blitzed me ,and your N Ramsbottom was pure class. . .so what I'm trying to say is I've bin scolded ,taken it on the chin, but would like to stay Buddy's with the tractor boys/gals ,well might need a tow some day. . . the Ming :cool:
Mr Slob, Sir

once again: you are right and the others (?les invisibles) are wrong.
We all enjoy (well, most of us) a bit of ****-taking along with our "serious" advice - let's face it: if we didn't have a twisted sense of humour we wouldn't be driving Land Rovers :p
People are free to ignore the daft stuff, so what's the harm eh? :rolleyes:
because laddy you can't be seen to be enjoying yerself its against 'the prevention of pleasure act' you might upset the over sensitive ones what with all this talk of h@@@@@@@@@@@ and t@@@@@@ b@@@. anyway i think the point has been made, those that complained don't got the b@@@s to say so in the public domain, prefering to do so in private.

not slob,( i'm really someone else using his name(

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