
New Member
After living with banshee squealing under the hood, have replaced belt (twice with x2 different makes) and auto tensioner, my TD5 still squeals. Have tried WD40, Belt dressing, the only thing I can find, is a longitudinal movement (front to back) on the A.CE. Pump of @ 5mm,is this normal ? . At £300 a shot for the new pump, I could do with any advice.

After living with banshee squealing under the hood, have replaced belt (twice with x2 different makes) and auto tensioner, my TD5 still squeals. Have tried WD40, Belt dressing, the only thing I can find, is a longitudinal movement (front to back) on the A.CE. Pump of @ 5mm,is this normal ? . At £300 a shot for the new pump, I could do with any advice.


Before you spend anymore money, have a thinking about trying this fix, it works on Tdi 300 so it might work on yours as well:

1. Bend back the tensioner with a spanner on the idler wheel bolt, then take the belt off it;

2. Slacken off the idler fixing retaining bolt until you can get a 1 penny piece, yes, I know, it sounds crap doesn't it?, then slide the penny between the engine block and the tensioner, at 9 o' clock;

3 Refasten the tensioner bolt and start the engine.

I was very sceptical about this when I first heard it because it sounds like rubbish doesn't - the really inconvenient thing is, however, that it has worked on literally hundreds of Tdi 300 engined vehicles.

What have you got to lose - it only takes a couple of minutes.

When my car was doing canary impressions, I bought a new tensioner assy at a cost of about £60, so I thought before I put this new bit on, I'll just try the penny trick.

That was 3 months ago, not a squeak since.
I'll be rogered, it worked on mine 2 tensioners and both went after about 2000 miles so read this earlier and low and behold NO whining it was really annoying and happened mostly when cold, isnt that funny. a 1p .:) Well done whoever sussed that one out!!!!! now only need to fix the other 20 problems with her!!!!!
I'll be rogered, it worked on mine 2 tensioners and both went after about 2000 miles so read this earlier and low and behold NO whining it was really annoying and happened mostly when cold, isnt that funny. a 1p .:) Well done whoever sussed that one out!!!!! now only need to fix the other 20 problems with her!!!!!

I know what you mean, all my engineering training says no!!!! but it works;)
had a look under the bonnet and cant work out where the coin should go, does the penny go behind the tensioner??
had a look under the bonnet and cant work out where the coin should go, does the penny go behind the tensioner??

Hi Kellymike, the coin goes between the tensioner assembly and the engine block.

The alternater belt tensioner assembly comprises of two cylindrical components, 1 is the tensioner itself, the other is the spring-loaded support.

To get the penny in place between the support and the engine block you need to slacken the bolt holding the support in place. Once this is done it's a simple matter of sliding the penny in between the 2 faces at 9 o'clock. Then tighten up again.

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