
Active Member
I recently fitted 2 rear and the central diff mount on a friends freelander , when it was all going back together it was a struggle to line up bolt holes in rear 2 but I did it and made sure everything was tight, now after a long drive there is a constant banging from the back when driving In a straight line , this didn't happen straight away it has come about after new mounts were on about a week , any obvious suggestions , thanks in advance .
If they were aftermarket ones, they may have broken already!

Have you checked all tyres have same air pressure and are same make/model? Have you tested the VCU recently with the 1 wheel up test?
I recently replaced my Rear-Diff mounts with polyurethane units - and what a difference they have made.
I had previously fitted a rubber mount in the front-central position, but recognised the rubber became extremely soft in the high Spanish temperatures we have been suffering/enjoying. That had started to bang.
s-l1600222.jpg DSCF0446.JPG DSCF0449.JPG

the worn pictures show the initial worn mount.

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