
New Member
I have a 2.2 TD4 2009 Freelander 2. Just over a week ago I was driving it as normal, and there was a bang from the rear, followed by a whirring noise. The noise was in time with the wheel turning, and as I slowed down thinking ‘oh %@£&’ the whirring noise slowed and there was almost a dragging sound.

Got out, checked everything, nothing there. Nothing in the wheels or hanging down. Took it straight to a jet washed and washed the underneath and wheel arches. More looking, nothing found.

It’s done it intermittently since. If I slow down and stop for a bit, when I pull away the whirring has gone. I took it to a garage on Monday who said my shock needed replacing on the drivers side rear wheel. I described the issues to them and they changed it on Thursday. Thought we were all good, drove home fine and then out again in the evening.

Today I have taken it out and it’s done the same thing :( any ideas? Could it be related to the Haldex? It seems to be coming from the rear.

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