
New Member
Hello to you all .I've been away off the site for far to long .I remember when I first started on the site, The moderatorhad a post about the needing a slogan for the site I was the person who came up with "One Life Live It" wow...seems ages since I have been here . 2 Reasons could not remember passwords etc !!!! and I sold my disco2 bought a merc was ok sold it bought X3 Hmmmm not to sure about it .But looking to go back to maybe Disco3 or Rangie not sure what one?any suggestions ...It's good to be back on site:clap2::clap2:

I was the person who came up with "One Life Live It"

Welcome back... though a bit confused to your claim of the "One Life, Live it" slogan... you joined the forum in 2004, it was in use by the Camel Trophy guys in the 90's... in fact, Camel Trophy ended in 2000 i think?

Hello to you all .I've been away off the site for far to long .I remember when I first started on the site, The moderatorhad a post about the needing a slogan for the site I was the person who came up with "One Life Live It" wow...seems ages since I have been here . 2 Reasons could not remember passwords etc !!!! and I sold my disco2 bought a merc was ok sold it bought X3 Hmmmm not to sure about it .But looking to go back to maybe Disco3 or Rangie not sure what one?any suggestions ...It's good to be back on site:clap2::clap2:

Never heard of you :confused::confused: go away
Hello to you all .I've been away off the site for far to long .I remember when I first started on the site, The moderatorhad a post about the needing a slogan for the site I was the person who came up with "One Life Live It"

I call Bull****.
+1, because if he did come up with anything he must have done it over the phone, because he has never posted about it:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I'm at work and bored;);)

haha, brilliant use of your time :)

beastie = bob??? :confused:
Hello and thanks for the Forest Gump sticker invention.
Can you come up with a saying of the same length to cover up were "one life" pulled the paint off above my rear door.
Have you considered a freelander
Hello and thanks for the Forest Gump sticker invention.
Can you come up with a saying of the same length to cover up were "one life" pulled the paint off above my rear door.
Have you considered a freelander

One Wife, Love it????? For when you've spent all your brass on Landy bits AGAIN.

One Arse, Shag it???? for the Gaylanderers.

One butler, thrash it????? For the Rangie boys.
I have a couple of "One wife livid" stickers .. ;)


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