blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
Ford Kuga, baby inside with the keys....any ideas before I start smashing windows?

Possible spare key will know in about 20 mins
It's only a Ford, just smash the window. The child's more important than £60 glass excess on someone's insurance
It's only a Ford, just smash the window. The child's more important than £60 glass excess on someone's insurance

Agreed! What's the weather like there, if it's warm the car will be very hot & the child could get sick very quickly.
Call your breakdown, do this sort of thing most days and will cause no damage

O too late lol
Everyones fine, might take a while for mum to recover.
Missed the photo opp of the year...pikeys legs dangling out a car window with a copper stood next to him....thats one thats unlikely to come up again for while :p
There's glass listed on ebay...

£39 for either an OSR tinted (350572902259) or NSF untinted (251081093373) - delivered from dismantlers in Skelmersdale
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Call your breakdown, do this sort of thing most days and will cause no damage

O too late lol

Then wait an hour or two for them to send out an assessment engineer, who can't actually do a lot, but, will then be able to call the right person... mean while everyone else can stand around and witness a baby slowly dying. :rolleyes:

Defo went with the right option - even trying to pull back seals and "fish" for the lock, etc. is not worth it when there is a baby stuck.
Jeez, wtf did the baby think when it saw Pikey on his way in!!!!

Poor bugger .. ;)

Nice one, though .. :cool:
Broke into a house the other day to get the spare keys for my neibour when the same thing happened to her. Good thing I'm skinny slipped through a small bathroom window :p
I once had to get a baby out of a BMW X7 with double glazing! I hit the window furthest away from said baby with a 5lb lump hammer and it didn't break. I ended up flagging down a bus, placing the life saver hammer against the window and hitting it with the hammer. It went through..... £900 to replace the window :D
Was the car actually in the sun?

Your car/baby or someone elses?

Yes the car was in full sun, not my car or baby, just someone visiting a house down the road from where we're working. First thing I did was suggest she get a sheet to cover the windscreen while we figured out a plan.

Littlun was fine for a while and smiling as we chatted and pulled faces through the window.
Spare keys turned up about 10 mins after we put the window through but the mum was getting hysterical which freaked the littlun out so it got to the point it was difficult to tell if it was ok or not.
How the hell did she lock the child in anyway?

Saw a woman at the fuel station today who had to be shown how to pump diesel :confused: and ended up getting someone else to do it for her. People like these shouldn't be allowed to drive.
Yes the car was in full sun, not my car or baby, just someone visiting a house down the road from where we're working. First thing I did was suggest she get a sheet to cover the windscreen while we figured out a plan.

Littlun was fine for a while and smiling as we chatted and pulled faces through the window.
Spare keys turned up about 10 mins after we put the window through but the mum was getting hysterical which freaked the littlun out so it got to the point it was difficult to tell if it was ok or not.

How did the Mom Do that? or was it I'm only going to be gone for a few minutes? Baby is sleeping and I can't be bothered

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