
Well-Known Member

I'm sure this is an old topic, but I did a quick search and didn't find an answer to the meaning of the numbers, just where to locate them. Sorry.

I've finally been able to locate (and mostly read) the numbers from my 1979 SWB S3 axles. Neither match the chassis number. Is this expected, or does it mean both have been replaced in the past? The chassis number is 9035xxxxA, the front axle is 2010xxxxB and the rear axle is 9023xxxxD. So the front axle comes from something quite different, I'm guessing...?

And what does the number on the diff flange represent? These are really hard to read, but look something like front '40 T 72' and rear 'A79 5798'. Do these formats make sense, or have I got these very wrong?

they arent related to the vin number,they denote axle type and suffix ,ie a suffix a axle will be superceded by a suffix b then c etc as each axle type was improved or updated over time,the number helps ordering spares,other numbers are casting numbers used during manufacture as part identity and are of no use,a recon axle may just have the reconditioners own identification number which will usually be of no use too
they arent related to the vin number,they denote axle type and suffix ,ie a suffix a axle will be superceded by a suffix b then c etc as each axle type was improved or updated over time,the number helps ordering spares,other numbers are casting numbers used during manufacture as part identity and are of no use,a recon axle may just have the reconditioners own identification number which will usually be of no use too
Front difff from 1972,rear from 1979.
Ok, thanks for the replies. So obviously a replacement on the front at some point, but the rear could still be original, perhaps? Not that it makes a lot of difference to me,

It looks like the front axle may have been pained orange in the past. It might have just been a primer, but it's a lot brighter than most 'oxide'-coloured primers I've seen before. I did wonder if it was ex-services (lifeboat or mountain rescue), but not entirely sure why anyone would want a brightly coloured axle unless they really think they're likely to roll it.

Ok, thanks for the replies. So obviously a replacement on the front at some point, but the rear could still be original, perhaps? Not that it makes a lot of difference to me,

It looks like the front axle may have been pained orange in the past. It might have just been a primer, but it's a lot brighter than most 'oxide'-coloured primers I've seen before. I did wonder if it was ex-services (lifeboat or mountain rescue), but not entirely sure why anyone would want a brightly coloured axle unless they really think they're likely to roll it.

it was fashionable amongst some some years back to brightly paint axles

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