
Just a few ago; 2:45 am I was awakened by the horn blaring. This defender does not have security enabled on the as10. Due to the small hurricane we just had pass over it has rain for a few hours. I have water in the something windshield or vents need tending to.

Any tips on what to check first is there a horn relay? Or just fuses, I replaced them all (fuses) not relays; 5 days ago preparing for this years Reteve INSPECTION. No problems occurred while drive it so I am guessing it has something to do with the water.

Come day light I will start running this down, now that I am good and awake.

Fun Thanksgiving day, earthquake near by, El Salvador, Tsunami alert and a hurricane; now this.
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Water + Land Rover Electrics = Pain

I expect water is shorting out something somewhere have you had a look at the steering column switch?

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