
New Member
Hi guys

I am off to France on Saturday for the summer and I have opted for the comfort and space of my 4.0 auto P38 rather then my Celica, which would obviously be far better in fuel.

My question is, since I am in no great rush I was planning on a gentle 740 mile cruise, so does any one know what sort of MPG I will get if I do a steady 65 MPH.

Also what is the most economical speed to travel at, 56 MPH is just a bit to slow.

Cheer Ian
I also get 20 MPG on a longer gentle run in my 4.6. When i first got it i was getting about 12 - 14 MPG. However, with experience and care, i can push it over 20. Also helped me get rid of the 11 points after 16 valve Golf and Ducati 748 SP. (PS. Still got the Duke)
Consumption varies enormously, bottom line is it depends on how you drive how much weight is in the car, what tyres you have and what pressures you run 'em at.

Anyway, to speak as I have found, my 3.9 Classic returns about 23mpg at a steady 75/80mph on longer motorway runs and average is probably between 12-15mpg running around locally.

I haven't driven a P38 4.0l, but I have done a bit of running about in a 4.6. As an average the 4.6 would be in the 18mpg range, but I had an odd run down the M1 to London and at a fairly steady 75ish - the computer suggested something like 26mpg which was a bit of a shock really.
My question is, since I am in no great rush I was planning on a gentle 740 mile cruise, so does any one know what sort of MPG I will get if I do a steady 65 MPH.

Also what is the most economical speed to travel at, 56 MPH is just a bit to slow.

Hello Ian, do yourself a real favour. Irrespective of the vehicle you drive the answer is always, exactly 58 mph.

Whatever you do with the loud pedal you simply cannot do anything about the awful coefficient of drag generated by your chelsea tractor.

So - get into lane 1 of the motoway and pick up a long distance 44 tonner en route to your destination.

Settle in close enough but at a comfortable distance behind and match your speed to his at exactly 58 mph. They all do it!

Turn on your cruise control and fine tune it to maintain that safe distance whilst you enjoy the most relaxing drive of your life in the massive hole in the air that he has created just for you.

And when he goes off for a well earned cup of tea, doff your hat and just hang around until you pick up another one. Couldn't be easier!

And guess what, the most fantastic thing is, that whilst your improved fuel economy will amaze you, his is totally unaffected so between the two of you, you have used less energy and lowered your holiday's carbon footprint, to boot.

Now thats what I call a result! :cool:

So there it is, travel at 58 mph, follow that lorry and be green all at the same time.

Vintage Model Airplane and Rover SD1 3500cc Twin Plenum Vitesse
That is a fair shout, slipstreaming wagons is what I do if I've not got to be anywhere in a rush. Not fun on a motorbike though, get pushed around a bit by the turbulence if you drop back too much lol.

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