
Well-Known Member
anyone got clear views on the choice between the proposed alternative vote system and the current system.
all the no to av stuff ive seen seems to be full of half truths, innuendo and downright lies.. but ive not seen any pro av propaganda

it does seem to me that av might give the smaller parties more mps... at the moment parties like ukip get a significant number of votes but no mps and we are almost gaurenteed a conservative or labour gov.... with av presumably we would see more coalition governments but would the little parties get a look in or will it just be the liberals that get a bigger voice.

i cant remember the last time i voted for a politician.... i usually vote conservative just to try to stop the liberal pillock winning
AV will cause chaos during elections and will mean lesser parties doing backhanded deals with the bigger parties to give them their share of the votes as they get knocked out.

How can it be a fair vote if the 5th place person can win?
it dosent really work like that ,but something needs changing,when mps get alot less than 50% of vote ,maybe someone with 90% we could all live with would be better than 30% of some people 1st choice but 70% of peoples definately no
We need AV - if anyone says we don't then they don't understand it!

AV is the only fair way. Anything else can lead to a less than most popular party getting in! The only possible conceivable drawback is slightly higher admin costs, but it's a small price to pay to get an elected leader (and not some muppet puppet who happens to have made it past the post strapped to another muppet!)
We need AV - if anyone says we don't then they don't understand it!

AV is the only fair way. Anything else can lead to a less than most popular party getting in!

No it's not. AV is wrought with problems, not least that the third most popular candidate at the first count can eventually win. I don't think we should keep our current system, but there are better and fairer systems available.

Why do you think only 3 countries throughout the democratic world use AV, and one of them, Australia, wants to get rid of it?

guy fawkes had the best idea don't trust don't agree with any of them just ther to screw wat they can and set them selves up for the easy life.Which party has ever done anything right other than bow down to every other country and give money/gold away.What ever happens wer screwed tucked up and robbed so that the african countries can buy a bigger jet for ther genicidal leader or china to buy more scrap metal to keep the gypsies(pykies for you english folk) in business
No it's not. AV is wrought with problems, not least that the third most popular candidate at the first count can eventually win. I don't think we should keep our current system, but there are better and fairer systems available.

Why do you think only 3 countries throughout the democratic world use AV, and one of them, Australia, wants to get rid of it?


No they don't. That's just read straight from the **** that got posted through your door which is factually wrong! It is a far fairer system than we have now and can only lead to better representation at election of the party everyone wants. We have the third most popular candidate as PM right now!

The political parties in power already use it to vote for their leader. It is used widely for various things across the world and works well.

Of the two options we are being presented with, if you vote against it you are voting against a better form of democracy!
No they don't. That's just read straight from the **** that got posted through your door which is factually wrong! It is a far fairer system than we have now and can only lead to better representation at election of the party everyone wants. We have the third most popular candidate as PM right now!

The political parties in power already use it to vote for their leader. It is used widely for various things across the world and works well.

Of the two options we are being presented with, if you vote against it you are voting against a better form of democracy!
yeah and it's already been proven that wat they post is crap!!in a middle class suburb all pictures are of white people same leaflet in a working class dhss area has black asian and chinese pictures.At the moment no one's right they are not standing for this country ther just trying to keep everyone happy.ther's no one that stands out or relates to wat's happening at the present.
TBH I think it is pretty crass that the Govt is ramming the fact that the Country is skint but is willing to spend millions? on changing the voting system. FFS they really want to be spending the money where it is fexing needed. Get real you politicians and pull your head out of your arses.
personally, for av, mostly because i am used to it as its what university unions use.

how ever, the concern that smaller parties doing better due to rising up by being a second or third choice is wrong, as the parties are eliminated each round .. i am the wrong person to try and explain this, but it is a misconception and is fair.

fairer than two parties that came 2nd and third past the post
Must admit, ive come to the conclusion that it does not matter what system we have thier all useless.
We democraticly elect a dictator once evry 4 years.................
me all I want is a none of the above box
I've looked at me vote this morning and to be honest I hate all of em - maybe I should have voted for the Welsh Communists
My area biggest bunch of ****ers ever on list= waste of time

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