
Active Member
Hi all,
my latest little project on my D2 is retrofitting Powerfold mirrors.. bought a used set of mirrors, ECU and the switch only to find my car doesn't have the loom. With some help from this forum, I've managed to make my own and plumb it all in, bit fiddly actually making the plug for the ecu.. but finally a total success, working as if a factory install. As is my custom, I like to push my luck and decided to try and get them to work with the central locking.. I was pointed in the direction of a good write-up on the freelander forum which, given the powerfold systems look to be the same, I believe I should be able to wire a relay, as described using the superlock and unlock to trigger the mirrors, so I've been into the rave manual to find the relevant wires as the colour obviously differ from that of the freelander loom. Problem is, I'm colour blind and even with others trying to help to identify the right 2 wires, I'm not having much luck. Thought I had the right 2, but tried to connect it all and CL didn't work, just beeped the horn like a door was open.
I don't know if anyone out there who is more literate with the wiring diagrams can just tell me which are the 2 wires I'm looking for from the headers behind the drivers footwell? there's 3 blocks/plugs, from left to right a really large one with maybe 15 wires in it and the 2 smaller ones, if someone was able to say something like "lefthand plug, 4 in from left in the bottom".. that would be amazing! (I'd upload a picture of the header I'm talking about.. but not sure how?)
As always, thanks to the generous bods on this forum so willing to share their knowledge!
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But if I sign up.. Am I cheating on landyzone?, shhhh I'll just keep it quiet, actually maybe that attitude is why my first marriage failed?..
On t'internet you can cheat globalstyle! AULRO is a great website for LRs but they often have different problems! Not as good as Landyzone I hasten to add, (just going to put my steel helmet and shin-guards on).
But if I sign up.. Am I cheating on landyzone?, shhhh I'll just keep it quiet, actually maybe that attitude is why my first marriage failed?..
Maybe i misunderstood your attitude but if i didnt then knock yourself out and be smart ar*ss... AKA "schmuck" and wire up your D2 based on Freelander's circuits.... i rest my case
But if I sign up.. Am I cheating on landyzone?, shhhh I'll just keep it quiet, actually maybe that attitude is why my first marriage failed?..


Just join, you can join lots of forums if you like
Err..Yeah was only kidding, have started the registration process with thed2boysclub, always appreciate the advice getting this forum, if that ones half as good then it'll well worth while. Cheers
My apologies, i'm not the best with english humour and i admit that i have a bad temper and i can be a schmuck myself with a sh*tty attitude, it's the result of 34 years of night shifts and about 20 of insomnia :(.. that's it, nobody's perfect :cool: ... though what ever i do i always want to help
No problem.. You've always been one of the most helpful and knowledgeable of the members on this forum, always appreciated your guidance..thanks

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