
New Member
Hi I have been a manual gear person with my first disco series 1 and freelander 1, now i am with my first auto change and boy, what have i been missing.
Just got used to not looking for 2nd gear on T junctionand footing the brake with left foot:mad:
I would like however to find out more about the sport and manual auto gears.notmuch mentioned in user book. My freelander 2 has this function, can the sport be used similarly to the D position, and which is the best one to use in a steep hill climb, manual or sport.
I am not sure as i have not used auto trans before but i think i shall enjoy it.
I have heard that the gearing can be used in all terrains. I would like to be advised by the experts in automatic transmission. Landy zone members.
I have P,R,N,D, and S&M .
You can knock the gearstick over to the left, this is Sport Auto mode, basically, the car continues to change gear for you, but, at lower rpm's it will hold the revs up to keep the turbo on boost (around 2000rpm) so if you want to mash your foot down you'll get instant power, as opposed to standard auto keeping you in the most fuel efficient gear, so if you put your foot down it'll probably drop a cog first.

To change gears manually just push up or down to take control, good for going up hills and holding it in gear or if its a bit slippery under foot and you want to keep it in a certain gear for better power delivery
Thanks SES88 thats useful to know so i can go into sport mode for lower revs and is the manual straight up from sport mode
Yeah I'd recommend changing up a gear when you put it into sport mode, not knocking down a gear (unless you're stationary at traffic lights, in which case pulling down will keep it in 1st but just change to manual)
Depends how you're driving, if you're just tootling around then I keep mine in normal auto, but if i fancy a spirited drive then I put it in sport auto, its only really when I want a quick get away at the lights that I put it in manual (i also put it in sand mode, keeps the power better and you get a better getaway!!)
If the box is like my FL1, then if you drive in manual, when you stop it won't automatically go into 1st. It will stay in 2nd, which is great for ice/snow etc or whenever you don't want to start in 1st. (Like in a traffic jam on M25!)

Just let it do what it wants to do. I think 99% of owners never use anything other than D. S makes it a little more responsive as SES states, it will more readily change down.

I've been using autos for the last 10 or more years and won't go backwards to a manual for my daily drive now.
Forgot to mention it will still change up or down in manual to protect the gearbox, so you can't abuse it like you can a manual box
If you are going to be stopped for s while, slip it into N. If you don't it uses more fuel and is constantly dragging the car forward.

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