
New Member
I have a 2001 TD4 Auto and have a problem with the auto box.
i will try to explain as best as i can! here goes!!!!.
as soon as i put the car into Drive i know exactly if this intermitant problem will happen, i get rather an agressive bump at the point i engage the stick, i then drive off to find i get a rather big bang on changing up the gears.if i let off the gas i get a really bad jolt as if the brakes are coming on!!. if i pull over and select park and turn off the ignition and start again every thing seems to be fine. i can then drive the car perfectly normal, it does not do this every time but is now getting more each week,
i did read some older posts saying that a gearbox oil change can sometimes cure this but i have already done that.
Somebody posted some problems caused by the wrong fluid level in an auto. I can't remember when, but if you search you might find it.

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